
The other day reading a craigslist ad about one of my fave DJs (Sinden) CDs being stolen, makes me think of how I’ve been lucky so far with equipment not being stolen and such.

Can’t say that luck lasted long. Last night someone made their way out of the club with my headliner bag while I was DJing, but at least they didn’t get much…just my serato box, a shure needle case, and a few extras in there hardly worth anything. A lot of money, but not a lot compared to what’s normally in there when I’m not DJing - laptop etc.

Needless to say, I’m heated. The club owner apparently has cameras up the ass, but who knows where that’ll go. Thank God the fucking club promoter is dope enough to let me borrow his 57SL for a few weeks while he’s not using it. He’s the kind of dude you don’t find in life anymore…let me take his 57 he was so heated…I didn’t want to take it, but I’m about to go upstate from here 8 hours to start a residency back home in Buffalo…

Sure it coulda been worse, but I’m really surprised they didn’t go for my female friend’s or girlfriends bags…I would think a normal thief would go for real Louis Vuitton before “Headliner”…heh…fucking cunts.

People fucking suck.

Ouch, Shure mics aint cheap, neither are needles. If i had to guess you lost at least 2 grand

no thank god…my needle case didn’t have anything in it but a number 2 pencil (wierd troubleshooting trick i picked up, dont ask LOL) and a spare needle worth maybe 35 bucks but i have a ton of those…bag was worth 140 but i can’t seem to find another like it anywheres online…i LOVED that bag and it seems like they stopped making em. my serato is the most expensive thing, and that’s like 500 brand new, but I think I can probably get one off a fellow DJ that doesnt use his for like 300 if I wait around

could be MUCH worse, but that’s an “empty” bag.

Oh, heh, must be different needles. The diamond ones i have are like $150 a whack.

Still sucks though and the bastard who stole it wont know what the fuck it is that he has.

Next time put rat traps on the inside of your bag, even if they miss his hands they release hydrochloric acid.

I have gold ortofons for the studio, they’re 300/pair. Turntablist needles are diamond too, but they’re just a lot cheaper per stylus. The headshell with stylus are like 120/pair for M44-7 which are the best touring scratch DJ setup IMO.

mmm ortofons


thank god.

they found it in the back of a clubgoers truck, dude drove it back to the club this morning knowing it was mine

they grabbed the bag, saw my mac wasn’t there and threw it in the back of dudes truck. he drove it back today when he got out of work.

a preview of the Matrix 12…i’m so lucky. i havent tried my serato yet, hopefully she still works. i’m letting everything dry, only a little damp inside but better safe then sorry

wow! super luck. So nice and unusual when things actually work themselves out.


Damn Don, glad you got your shit back. Hopefully everything is in perfect working order.

I have faith it will be, my bag has a nice little compartment for serato (part of the reason why i’m in love with it) and it’s made to go through hell. it’s probably gonna be alright. i haven’t had any time, everythings packed up to come to buffalo tommorrow night, but we’ll see this weekend ;o

Wow, awesome talk about luck.

Good look, I still stand by my original statement though, in general terms.

agreed, theres way more people that’ll take then give

but i’m lucky that no one around here is smart enough to type serato in on ebay :o

if it was traktor scratch you might not have ever gotten it back :snky:


Lol you get that yet?