Uhaul hookup

When I moved to Florida 7 or so years ago. (that number blows my mind), somebody gave me a recommendation to a guy who owned a uhaul rental place… Who was it?

Orrrrr does anybody else have a uhaul/penske/etc hookup.

Looking to get a quote to move from Buffalo to Tampa. One way. 20ft truck or so.

When I moved it was like 700 bucks iirc… Seems a ton more expensive now. What gives?

I used to be the GM of a store a year ago, the prices are high due to truck demand. No one moves to buffalo, so to move here from Florida is around 500$ lol but to move there your looking prolly close to 12-1400 for 20ft+. The secret is to bitch and complain enough to get free miles and or use of equipment. Or bitch and moan about the quality of truck/mpg/ride quality etc for refund upon arrival to destination. I’ve seen as much as 50% refunded. If you really want to get a better chance of getting a discount make sure you pick either the kenmore ave or west Seneca locations as your pickup. I say this because they are both small stores and get fucked often on return times/late arrivals. Fwiw I was the GM of kenmore and lost count of how many people got discounts due to not having the truck at the specified time) Hope this helps.

Didn’t we go to that place out in Holland??

I couldn’t remember where it was… Sounds right

when I moved out here almost 3 years ago I went with a 20ft budget truck rental and I paid $1400 then this summer when my brother moved out here we couldn’t find anything less than $2200 :ham:

Yea $0.99 a mile adds up quick…

Is this real life nowadays?

Cross country would push 3k, nuts!

      • Updated - - -

For my move… and take this with a grain of salt as it’s not the norm…

I sold most everything I could (bed, dressers, etc) and with what was left, stuffed it all into an enclosed 5x8 trailer that I bought brand new for 1700 in Dairen. When I got out here to CA and settled in, I sold the trailer 1700 (lol) and used that money to help furnish our apt.

Considering work paid for the move, the entire trip only cost me 3 nights in hotels and fuel… and im sure a shit ton of wear and tear on my poor old Subaru Legacy. RIP.

I had a one-way Budget Truck from Buffalo to Denver last year. It cost about $1,800.

It is way cheaper to put your stuff on ABF UPack pod type deals.

Also you don’t have to drive a stinky truck anywhere, and worry about scratching it, or someone stealing your shit while you are sleeping.

When we moved to Texas, we sold all our stuff on Craigslist, and bought new stuff from Ikea.

We realized that what we owned was not worth shipping.

I can see if you have family heirlooms or whatever, but we had biglots junk, so most of that was ready to be thrown out.

When I was moving south, I sold my Saturn and bought a grand marquis for cheap. We packed all our stuff in that thing and drove down.

Drove the Marquis for a while and sold it for a few grand higher than what I bought it for.