Ultimate Cubicle Prank

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27IOmm7zlCw&”]YouTube - Ultimate Cubicle Prank[/ame]


if this wasn’t your bandwidth I’d bitch at you for wasting it.

That was pretty epic. Hahaha

Wow. We’ve just turned people’s things upside down and moved the cubicle wall to close in the office. And made a paper chalk-line around a guy’s inbox that fell on the floor.

I wonder if they had a charge number to do that. :slight_smile:

That was insane(ly awesome) :smiley:

Funny, but not mean enough. Those guys who wasted 3 weeks building that mini house got the shit end of the stick on this one.


Where the hell do they work that they’re allowed to do that. Fucking sweet


That was a present, not a prank. I’m a little bit jealous right now.

Yeah, I wonder where they work, because I know for sure that would not fly in the office that I work at.

thats awesome

that is sweet!!

hilarious, I think Im doing this to burnyd’s cubicle today

they have nice craftsman ship… im impressed.

I fail to see the “prank” in that. :dunno:

It’s pretty cool, but not a prank.


Wow… thats not a prank…

I would kill for that!
