Ultimate Fighter Season 10

like dana said roy hold down and pounding kimbo was the same likeness as his him letting his daughter hold him down and hit him

Just watched it- and wow. Kimbo needs to step up and be a bit more aggressive. Too much waiting, not enough punching. Roy is just a lard ass throwing love taps.

I was disappointed they stopped that. To be honest the fat guy should have been the loser for having a guy in a dominant position and doing no damage. If you can pin a dudes arm and that’s the best power you have from the top…MEH. And the best was he was acting like he put on a clinic on Kimbo. LMAO

Kimbo admits he’s a fighter and not MMA yet. I gained alot of respect for Kimbo. I always imagined he’d be a street thug with no smarts.

Dude, this is seriously the stupidest rumor ever. A twelve year old wrote that. And furthermore, Wes Shivers couldn’t head-kick a midget.

His striking seemed sloppy and soft. It’s like he loves to learn but doesn’t retain any of it. I was much more impressed with him on the ground. He came within inches of reversing the mount on Roy Nelson.

Earlier in the show Nelson told his teammates that when an opponent cannot intelligently defend himself, you basically just have to tap him repeatedly until the ref calls it. It’s the classy thing to do IMO especially against an outclassed fighter. I think both fighters showed a lot of respect, and as usual Dana White was a douchebag.

Roy caught Kimbo with a huge jab on the button when Kimbo got aggressive early in the first. It was wise of him to be defensive after that, Nelson isn’t a great aggressive striker.

I was disappointed they stopped that. To be honest the fat guy should have been the loser for having a guy in a dominant position and doing no damage. If you can pin a dudes arm and that’s the best power you have from the top…MEH. And the best was he was acting like he put on a clinic on Kimbo. LMAO

Kimbo admits he’s a fighter and not MMA yet. I gained alot of respect for Kimbo. I always imagined he’d be a street thug with no smarts.

Dude… if Nelson was going 100% Kimbo would be braindead right now. It was the decent thing to do, Kimbo was powerless and he didn’t want to do unnecessary damage to him or his hand. And he definitely put on a clinic. Outbox him, duck a hook, double leg, arm lock with knee in side control." Getting someone’s arm pinned like that is a lot harder than it looks, Kimbo just isn’t experienced enough. Agreed though, definitely have a lot of respect for the guy after this season. Him and Rampage seem like great guys.

also, Rampage retired so we’ll never see the Rashad vs Rampage fight. :frowning:

I’m mega bummed bout the Rashad Rampage fight being off. They were talkin so much shit it was bound to get good.

I agree against a true MMA guy pinning the arm is tricky, Kimbo is just way too new to have any real skills besides what he knows, slugging. He gives it his all though and props to him IMO. I hope Dana quits talkin so much shit…he’s been pretty silent this season compared to in the past.

BUMP finale is coming up, kimbo on next

kimbo slice just beat houston alexander. By no means is alexander a top contender, but he is way more seasoned then slice. Slice works with ATT now.


Kimbo is still learning, his take down defence and ground game looked alot better.

kimbo really seemed alot more well rounded then he was in his first fight on the ultimate fighter. i think houston was afraid of kimbo in a way, he just kept circling the ring. i mean i would be to if i was in a cage with kimbo

Meh, I’m just glad its over. Easily the worst season of TUF ever.

What do you think about next season, Chuck and Tito as coaches for the 185 division?

agreed 100% and to have big country win, what a joke! he was the champ in the IFL everyone else has never or barley fought before. Cant wait till nexted year what a dissapointment this one was.

Is there an icon for snoozefest? Last night was pretty weaksauce from a marketing perspective. CHUCK AND TITO! HULK HOGAN! KIMBO SLICE!!!

Let’s just throw out a ton of nonrelevant big names and draw a crowd, sacrificing the integrity of the sport at the same time.

I had a couple of friends and family watch this event and it was their first MMA experience, and it definitely left them with a bad sense of what MMA is. :frowning:

UFC is getting way closer to WWF if it keeps going in this direction.

lol. I cant believe that dude does that. I just can’t wait for Big Country to face someone like Rashad. He is a bum. I didn’t think the season was that bad. Not to excited to see 2 washed up fighters coach the next one.

hahaha what is the gif from???

hahahahah dumb bitch


Rashad = LHW, Nelson = Huge HW

Nelson would probably beat the shit out of Rashad if they fought right now… Rashad is a pretty tiny 205’er.

and lmfao @ that gif, the hat makes it look like he knocked her head off

I’m pretty sure it’s from jersey shore…

I know that. I was giving an example. If Nelson fought someone with his experience in the HW he would get the shit kicked out of him. He is fat and he got lucky with that punch. If Brandon fought him again I bet it would be a different out come.

No way Rashad would lose to Nelson. Rashad is more polished in many ways than Nelson will ever be.

Nelson was robbed against Rothwell and basically dominated him the whole time (split dec. loss) and he’s improved a ton since that. He seconds from submitting Arlovski after controlling him the entire match - and the fight got stood up by crooked refs (this was E:XC). The Monson match IMO was a robbery as well, but regardless Monson has probably the best grappling at HW besides Barnett and Nelson was rocking him on the ground.

He’s also dominated Frank Mir in a BJJ match, and Nelson’s standup has looked way better than Mir’s lately.

Nelson is no joke, if he joined a training camp instead of training out of his basement he’d bust top 10 in a heartbeat.