ultrasonic fuel injector cleaning

anyone know of a place locally to have this done?


yep thats where im going. :tup: you work therE?

+1 for New Era. Definitely good guys.

+1 vor vid

Send them in or drop them off , they will be done the same day if not within 24 hours .


bah, go ghetto. battery with holder and switch connected to an injector clip, some tubing, air gun, carb cleaner. spray cleaner into hose connected to the injector feed, flip switch to give the injector voltage to open it, and blow air through the tube pushing the carb cleaner through it like crazy. Fin and cheap/free. :slight_smile:

just sent up a spare set of injectors i had modded… hoping they are as good as you guys say they are, i really just like the fact i will know what they flow

Will a stock car with 170k miles noticably benefit from this? My car doesn’t run bad or anything, but it’s pretty bad on gas compared to others of the same model.

Napa’s “machine shop” location on Wehrle Dr.


Is new era still the place to get this done, or is there someone in the OP/EA/WS area that does this reasonably? I have 6 that I want to get done and I don’t want to drive to roch or mail them if I don’t have to.

i think kennedys dyno tune does it as well

just looked them up, 24.95 per injector. New Era is $60 for 6 for the same service. I’ll probably just mail them to New Era then, unless someone else has any input