Ummmmm....motha fawker..........

It would be fine if it was a 1000hp+ car. Not a street car.

i heard the car has pretty much factory power… like 350… That clutch is redunkulous!:eek2

But the reseller website says the Exedy NM053SR is for “hot street action”. :cry:

This is why it’s so tricky to buy a modded car - you’re never sure whether the person who modified it knew what they were doing. Someone probably thought they were beefing the car up by going with that clutch.

I’d put money on it.
Adam was saying he thinks the shaft might have been damaged when the tranny was put back in after this clutch went in, but when I heard bolts were missing on the bell housing, I’m guessing that had a major part in this event, along with the solid hub clutch - ugh.

well whats funny, is the for sale ad said, Cusco twin plate… and its an exedy triple

I’d love to hear the seller explain that one…

i’m very sorry to hear that for cossey, at least we all know it’s in good hands now

someone gots some splainin’ to do. it sucks to see this happen… bad comparison, but i bought this rabbit once, had a swapped motor(16v) and like 2 weeks later the engine grenaded… not much i could do. but i know what its like to be excited about something then have it all go south on you… just my investment was alot less. :frowning:

This is no beater car - it’s in excellent shape. Adam and Jim were saying the bottom of the car is pristine, like it has never seen rain. They were showing me the hardware they took off of it and most of it looks like it just came out of the factory. That clutch looked to be in great condition, and whoever put it in didn’t skimp on cost - it’s just a bad choice without the rest of the drive train beefed up. But then you have some bolt plug action that contradicts the rest of the car, as well as the missing hardware. It’s probably not the first time there’s been some inconsistency in a car’s maintenance.

oh yeah, no doubt its not a beater. ive seen it, the car looks amazing everything is spotless. its a shame it happened… and be kind my rabbit was mint man. no rust, shiney original paint, no dents. and it was a 1984!

and cars not driven in the rain excite me :excited kind of like my GTI

Shes seen rain!

Not surprising at all. I’ve seen shit like this (and much worse) on ‘big name shop cars’. Glad to hear that it’s getting taken care of.

lol - I understand WHY someone avoids driving in the rain, but I’ve never understood HOW you discipline yourself to do that.

From what I can find, a Cusco twin disc costs less than the Exedy triple that was in it, so it can’t be they substituted a cheaper item and claimed it was the higher priced one. That’s a head scratcher.

Common failure no, but not unheard of. It is frequent enough that there are a few “upgrade” pieces out there including a factory Nismo component. I don’t think the clutch/fasteners to be the root cause, however definitely variables that did not aid it any. The shaft was likely damaged during installation by hanging the weight of the gearbox of the shaft and/or jostling the box around hard to get the splines engadged. That more than likely induced a fracture, which was stressed by the bellhousing flex(loose/missing hardware) and a solid hub, triple plate sintered clutch. That’s a DAMN brutal clutch in any tranny. An 8.5" disk triple plate of above fashion can hold in excess of 1300ftlbs. A 5.5" organic button clutch is brutal enough in that triple setup…

Two stressful events occur using this clutch. One is upon installation of the splined shaft into the clutch plates. The inclination that can be introduced to the input shaft before it starts to bend is far smaller than that of a single or twin plate disk as the free play of the splines decrease dramatically in multiplate setups due to the increase surface area covered by the disk splines themselves. #2 is the decreased spline length of the shaft due to the amount of space taken up by the increased number of clutch plates. Instead of the shaft having roughly 1" of open spline between the clutch plates and fillet that can wrap up and absorb some torsional shock load, that distance was reduced to less than .4" and the load was being applied to a far smaller surface area that could not take the shock. Introduce a fracture or stress riser into the mix and failure is inevitable.

There is nothing you will be able to visually inspect by naked eye other than a torsion shear. The face of the fractures were subjected to sub 9000rpm, high pressure galling and have destroyed any visual aspect of the break other than subjective spline deformation beyond both ends. I will magnaflux and x-ray the shaft pieces at my shop, as will I do the same to most of the adjacent internal components to determine any other located damaged as a result of this failure.

And ditch the ETS-Pro…forgettaboutit!!! :lol It’s THE AWD system to run, I’d take it over Porsche shit anyday. AWD traction, RWD handling and power delivery. Best of both worlds.

Pull clutch yes.

The GTS tranmissions are very simple, this GTR gearbox is a little different inside. They’re also set quite a bit apart in price as well so I’m going to rebuild the existing box here, vs buying another used box and play with fate on what it may hold. I think that’ll make Cossey sleep a little better about it, or at least as good as he can anyway.

Car has a little more that 350hp, but nowhere even close to what requires this clutch. I believe this to be a case of non-informed owner dropping car of at shop and writing blank check to have work done. Shop installed the most re-donk-ulous clutch they could get in, which didn’t suit the car or driver at all. Rest is water under the bridge as they say.

Sorry, wasn’t aimed at your example (you posted while I was typing that up) - that riff on the condition of the car wasn’t directed at your car, just at some of the earlier posts that seemed to think some work/parts of questionable quality were thrown on this car. I was trying to say I think the triple plate clutch was put on with good intentions but were based on flawed logic.

:thumbup “Don’t use a cannon to kill a mosquito”

The previous owner told Cossey he wasn’t sure exactly what clutch was in there, but thought it was either a Cusco or Exedy. That right there leads me to believe that the car was dropped off with the “make it fast/good and send me the bill mentality” and the shop took and ran with it.

Then again it could have been the only clutch available at the time of the installation for the next six months and the owner was adamant about getting the car up and running so the shop shoved it in as a hail mary. No respectable shop would put that clutch in a 400whp street car without some reasoning, malicious or not. Financially motivated/advantageous, shadiness, request by the customer, etc, etc.

That makes it a bit clearer. If this guy left it up to the shop to choose, for whatever reason, then there are many different angles it could have gone.

I don’t blame the previous owner at all for what happened. I only blame the shop who installed everything.

Shit happens. In the end ,we love our hobby and are still gonna throw money at it.

and saw a thorough cleaning directly following. 3 days of rain in the past 2 years isnt bad

oh i get ya man. someone see’s a failure and instantly albeit blindly they go pointing fingers at something… its an unfortunate cicumstance, but like ive said, he is infact lucky it happened where it did and not on a the road somewhere to be stranded who knows how far from home and away from his locale. and like Cossey said, its part of the game we all play. some repairs cost more, but it comes with the territory. itll come back bigger and better. :thumbup

EX-ACT-LY :slight_smile:

I am compiling a list of parts here. Misc orings, gaskets, RMS, transmission parts ,etc, etc.

There is very limited information on this Nismo part. My biggest concern at the moment is the spline configuration and whether it works with the typical Nismo clutch.

I got my people contacting their people on the other side of the world right now. Crazy shit.

do work son. communicating to people on the other side of the world sucks. i remember from my time in japan trying to get in touch with people here, it was crazy hours, something like 20 hours difference