UN-Offficial NECC Meets

So, until the last meet of the year, I figured I would start a thread for Un-Official meets. Please use this forum to post up ideas and times that you all would like to meet, and hopefully breathe some life back into this club before the end of the year.:thumbup1:

Wann do a Castrol Meet this Friday James? Would be kinda cool to see what the Nissans can do.

I might bring my car out for this…

I can run faster than my car at the moment, lol. My wastegate just took a huge shit on me.

Bah too bad. I wanna go to the track 1 more time this year. but I won’t go by myslef

Got it fixed, stupid plug fell out of my intake.

Ill kick both your butts

BRING IT! lol.

Haha, I would love to come out~ Not sure if it’s possibly yet, but I’m pretty sure I’ll know by tomorrow. It would be nice to actually get to know you guys!

He ran a 14 Flat. He will Rape us… Ok just you lol.

So can I say we have 3 confirmed members for Friday?

Bahhhh I’m out. I gotta work all Friday night now

Yea, I’m throwing codes now. Guess I won’t be there either.

damn too bad i didnt read this earlier… i would have come up for a couple runs at castrol

14 Flat eh

I see a challenge coming on, Ran 14.008 two weeks ago with a 087 RT. I’ll see you guys there sometime between 7pm - 8 pm. Hopefully none of you have to leave early this time.


We’ll should have read the entire post before quoting, Ran the Car anyway Ran two if it’s best runs 13.87 and a 13.86 at 102 MPH, Any Challengers???



you need a turbo first ;o0

I have one!!!

How’s the new snail? Any differences from your old Turbonetics?

I still don’t have it tuned to where I want it but man at only 5psi this thing spools fast. And it doesn’t fall off at all. I know my 60ft times are going to be better. I’m sure I can hit 13’s with it now. Just fine tuning it now and going up to 8psi soon. I really need to get a new clutch though.