underground pittsburgh

new WQED special in the pittsburgh series… pretty interesting stuff. check it out.

like rivers and such? when is it on?

they talk about the tunnels, the t, basements,alcosan, mines converted into office space, the largest and only undeground mushroom growing farm… it should be on often because i thin they are in a pledge drive. they explain the whole unerground river, its not really what you think…

cool… i am going to check it out.

when is it on?

Sunday, March 25, 12:00pm

Notable subterranean structures in the Pittsburgh area are examined, including the city’s subway, the Laurel Caverns, and a coal mine in Greene County. Also: sewers, a mushroom farm, and storage facilities in limestone mines.

that should be sweet

i got a job at the mine converted to an ‘office’… too far from pittsburgh to accept though…

sounds like a neat show… pittsburgh a to z is another good one.

the whole series is good in my opinion

Iron Moutain, that place looked freakin awesome… its sorta like the NORAD concept. WB stores many of their films there, along with many other companies that have inportant stuff.

well iron mountian is a business records vault… did you hear about the fire they had down there a few months back… lol… not tight for a vaulted records management company… i guess shit happens… i know PA’s largest hospitals medical records are stored there as well!

actually, there are a lot of government services down there as well aside from them… i got a job on one of the teams down there, you should see what they have built for the government services divisions… big pillars and marble carvings… it’s crazy. they do some pretty neat stuff… the deeper you go, the colder and wetter it gets… the office they were going to give me had a rock wall on one side… it was baller. too far to drive though… there isn’t shit going on up there for miles…

there was one on the bridges that was really interesting too…

yeah they are in the one guys office and its like that … pimp shit.

weres the underground river ?

it’s underground :doh:

lol… it’s an aquifer… google it. it’s where the point’s fountian water comes from, if i recall correctly… it used to be a river that ran north in the ice age… lake erie’s glacier movements caused a ‘dam’ that changed the direction of all this area’s rivers (now southbound)… a layer of clay and gravel and shit seperated it(made it underground) back in the day(iceage). at least i think. :bigok:

there isn’t one:rofl:

i wish there was, it would be better to compare Pittsburgh to hell with the 4 rivers :wink:

I used to buy mushrooms at the mushroom farm its in an old mine they say because of the absence of light and the chicken manure the mushrooms grow an inch in 24 hrs.

yes they grow fast, they also stay more white since there is no light. mushrooms tan just like people.

The homestead / munhall area has a bunch of undergournd railroad tunnels all over the place. We were just talking about this the other day at work. Curious if they mention that.