unleaded race gas- where?

Yes turbo blue is leaded and they have unleaded too.

yeah you are right, its stephs now… but i swear they have 115 turbo blue too. they have like 4 pumps of it

i wonder if they still have the cars on the elevator thing

yea 115 leaded

when larry sold it he was paying people to drive all his cars to florida. im sure its still there but i doubt theres any cars down there

he still has the lift in there. they had some type of mopar in ther the other day. oh yea a nice daughther working register there

Sorry, car isn;t done or in the state yet so I haven’t ventured out in search of any good gas yet. I used to load up with 112 at Rockingham and Coastal Plains in NC though…

Rockingham…i lived close to there for a few months…i was near camp McCall

well il bust yours, here is sunocos website info.

no octane higher than 104 unleaded!
sunoco standard is leaded!

where do you get 112 unleaded anyway
saudi arabia???
sunocos race gas website link

i know were you can get 120 but its leaded

Try here and then click on Sunoco Race Fuels on the left and scroll down and you will see they offer 110…

dick,here is correct! :slight_smile:

Where abouts on rt88 is this place?


half way between south park and rt51 in castle shannon.

Awesome, that’s just up the road from me.

:slap: and you didn’t know it was there. :slight_smile:

Nope… I usually travel the other way down 88.

well ive been reading this thread for a few days and i had some questions about things so i went and found the answers myself. im gonna post them up for some of the other “less knowledgable” people!

The octane rating of gasoline tells you how much the fuel can be compressed before it spontaneously ignites. When gas ignites by compression rather than because of the spark from the spark plug, it causes knocking in the engine. Knocking can damage an engine, so it is not something you want to have happening. Lower-octane gas (like “regular” 87-octane gasoline) can handle the least amount of compression before igniting.

The compression ratio of your engine determines the octane rating of the gas you must use in the car. One way to increase the horsepower of an engine of a given displacement is to increase its compression ratio. So a “high-performance engine” has a higher compression ratio and requires higher-octane fuel. The advantage of a high compression ratio is that it gives your engine a higher horsepower rating for a given engine weight – that is what makes the engine “high performance.” The disadvantage is that the gasoline for your engine costs more.

the other thing i was wondering is that when you advance your timing a few degrees that makes a small increase in performence because the a/f is gettin compressed the slightest bit more before the spark ignites it. thats why when people buy “superchips” for their car its reccomended that they use 93 or greater octane. right?

also i was wonder what running a super high ocatane gasoline in a regular engine would do. from the knowledge i have im assuming nothing?

also fuck all of you that just thought im a stupid ass and im going to fill up my pretty much stock 240 with race gas because ill get more HP :rofl: :rofl: :):slight_smile: