Faraday wallet FTW
If we rename America and call it Iraq will that make you happy? It seemed like republicans didn’t mind wasting money on that.
i never said i was a bush fan i hate the man with a passion and i literally wish death upon dick cheney but that fucker wont die. Assholes live forever i guess. Im just saying that the policies obviously havent changed at all.
It’s a little less secure, but fundamentally the exact same thing as far as tinfoilhat, big brother is watching type of stuff.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a dumb idea that just adds risk in the name of convenience, but it doesn’t mean anything in regards to intrusive government policy.
Can we please stop the Dem vs. Repub BS in this thread please?
You honestly believe that?
Yes. Is there a fundamental difference between getting info by scanning a barcode vs scanning an rfid chip?
How about liberal vs conservative?
because rfid chips can be tracked via sattelite
I am getting one of these…:mamoru:
"the tightly woven steel also passively resists radio-frequency hacking–the latest identity theft technique "
Better than a tinfoil hat!
I could be wrong but you need to go past a scanner for those to work. They don’t really broadcast anything.
This technology has been around for decades even during WWII.
Its just one more way for the government to keep tabs on people. its bs. don’t worry…soon it will be rfid chips in the back of your neck with a barcode.
Oh, and because you liberals have no sense of humor, I’ll save the trouble and just say I was being facetious… for the most part lol. I honestly wouldnt put it passed Obama to do this though.
I meant becuase of power hungery career politicians. Both left and right. They both suck.
That would be impressive. Did you just make that up? lol
no they can be tracked via sattelite now. You cannot access the information in them but they have tracking devices in them now. Ill try to find the article i was reading about it.
Seriously? If anything this would be a Bush thing to do under the guise of national security, you know the same ‘Big Brother’ that spied on all of us.
I find it funny when people think something can’t be done. Today’s technology can do just about anything if you are willing to spend the money and I think we all know the govt has no problem spending.
As far as satellite tracking this is the only thing I found capable of actually transmitting a signal to a satellite:
Between GPS in cars, cell phones, ezpasses, traffic cameras, the use of credit cards for purchases. The gov’t pretty much has the ability to find out where you are/were and what you were doing.
Nanotechnology, the savior and the demon.