Those requirments sound good to me. Too bad NYS doesn’t have a citizen ballot innitutive.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. EVERYONE has the ABILITY to succeed. Not everyone works hard enough to harness that ability though. Being successful does not come about through chance. It comes through dedication, hard work, and never giving up on your goals. The only person that can choose that outcome is you. Blaming it on social situations and other people is a cop out and an easy excuse for failure.
What hard work did Paris Hilton do again to become a billionaire?
She didn’t, but her family sure did.
jesus, really? you really think that every muslim kills white people??
Success begets success. Failure begets failure. There are exceptions but you pretty much have to go way out of your way to end up with much more or much less than your parents. Whether through inheritance, values, genetics, or all of the above :gotme:
If only reasonably successful people were having and raising kids it’d be a level enough playing field for me.
Don’t put words in my mouth. Thank you. Oh and some Muslims are white. DUH!
On the lighter side… Is the planet getting bigger?
IF that’s true, Where did all the mass come from? Water too?
that is a really interesting video but its really hard to tell if they are messing with the sizes of the continents or not… australia looks huge on the smaller planet compared to the other continents… asia doesn’t seem big enough by comparison…
i’m not sure how this would change 100 years of science… but you’d think there would be measurable increases in size by this time… also where did all the water come from?