Unpaid Taxes and PS3...

NEXT GERENATION is reporting that Analyst P. J. McNealy of American Technology Research announced at the recent MI6 conference that the PlayStation 3’s complexity could act as a significant hurdle in the early phases of the console’s production.
McNealy said: “This is now the most complex box that’s ever been built in this industry … While Sony has certain manufacturing advantages at the end of the day, this is a very complex process, and they’re going to be limited to the yields that they can come up with…” and “The number of pieces that are going into this box are even more astounding [than the over 1700 parts used in the Xbox 360].”

While this is hardly surprising news to anyone in the games industry, it’s interesting research groups and individuals are already touting that Sony will have a below-target output of the much maligned PS3 console and attempting to play down the market’s expectations, way before pre-production begins.

This analysis from McNealy has been coupled with a June released report from DFC Intelligence entitled ‘Could Sony Go From First to Worst?’ which is based upon Sony’s possible fall from grace and the possibility of a third-place scenario for Sony in the next generation console war. Price is the immediate focus for DFC, unsurprisingly considering the console’s extravagant pricing. This isn’t good reading for any Sony shareholder, developer or fanboy.

Furthermore, IGN have translated a survey from the oldest Japanese games-rag available; Ge-Maga. 90.29% of the surveyed Japanese denizens feel the PS3 launch price was too much, 56.31% disagreed with Sony’s choice of two SKUs and 62.13% feel that the system wouldn’t reach the 6m sales mark Sony had set itself, by March of next year. If the Japanese public can’t be sure of efforts from its home-grown Sony, its doubtful any American or European user-base is quickly going to take-up the option of the $600 system either.

Prickly analysts and avid gaming fan-mags aren’t the only bad news for Sony. The Associated Press are reporting that the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau have told Sony to hand over $243 million in unpaid tax due to faults in tax filings related to PlayStation sales in the US from 1999 to 2005 and other CD/DVD businesses interests overseas between 2003 and 2004. Sony are planning to file a protest with the Japanese tax authorities citing double taxation under US-Japan bilateral tax treaties.

It seems Sony would be best-off focusing the organisation’s efforts on cutting the cost of its next generation console, as opposed to wasting time on the installation of root-kits on its audio-cds and its other draconian DRM ventures.


I’m still going to pre-order 3, especially if they get it out for a Christmas launch. Should make enough selling 2 to pay for the 3rd to keep.


i’m preordering at the gamestop on transit, the one in the galleria, the one in the boulevard mall and the one by target on the boulevard. maybe the one on delaware.

5x$1000 = yay yay yay yay yay

^^ word good call, i think im in on that as well

Man, they just keep getting owned over and over again. But I’d agree you could probably easily eBay that shit for $$$ due to the lack supply if anything.

i think everyone on nyspeed should order up like 30 of them… and sell them on a corner somewhere…make double the profit…

not to off topic but i havent read any game mags in a while, wasent there somthing supposed to come out called “DOLPHIN” at one point by some one? what happend to that… and argggg these new games are so pricey but are so tempting!

dolphin was the code name for gamecube. Soon to be replaced by Wii.