Unusual Small Block Chevy

Magnesium :ugh2:



I wouldn’t trust magnesium for that application. It oxidizes far too easily, and from the pics it has no surface coating to protect it either.

I’ll rather have the Chevy “Hemi” engine sans the zillion dollar price tag…

Magnesium + high temps. Not a good combo.

I thought vw used either a magnesium head or block in some of the old beetles? I remember my high school chem teacher saying the local fire department rolled up on the scene of an accident and tried to douse it with water. Of course that only made it worse.

Magnesium engine components on burning VW’s, not a good thing!!! That’s the same story I heard.

this Chevy Hemi ???


^^ That’s not a Hemi. Just an LT5.

The magnesium block would be better for a display in a museum, than for use in a car.

chevy hemi

Buy that Magnesium block and throw it in a pool of Hydochloric Acid.

…And Run!

Buddy of mine had a bag full of magnesium shavings. We used to have bon fires and toss handfuls into the fire :slight_smile:

That’s an Arias Hemi, not a Chevy hemi. It don’t look like a single Chevy part is on it.

ok, hot shot, show us a pic of a Chevy Hemi.

While he says it is a prototype, he does not say what the stated goal of the prototyping was. I would be interested in what GM was trying to learn by making these (assuming it is real). If it was a weight exercise, then I have to wonder why they just didn’t go with aluminum since it is more readily available and likely much less expensive. If the exercise were for something else, I’d like to not only know what they were trying to learn but also what they did learn.

…it would make one hell of a sleeper/cheater motor…

except for maybe the Chevy emblem. :ugh2:

I never said one even existed.

big block semi hemi http://www.sonnysracing.com/


I was talking “factory” Chevy Hemi.


Believe I found it.