UPDATE: September 6, 2008 Track Day - FULL

The conversation on 780 went like this:

Inzane: “I’ll have to take you both on at an autox with my '01 Sentra SE one of these days.” :stuck_out_tongue:

GOT SE-R: "I accept your challenge!..but it has to be an event after Aug 25th as thats when I get new struts. LOL. And you have a good shot my car is 400lbs heaver than yours and I can’t drive (never done AutoX…yet) " :lol:

Inzane: "That’s quite alright as my next few weekends are already spoken for for such things as deck & fence building, etc. " :frowning:

I’d love to go but things got pushed back at home. My decking building is occuring this weekend as opposed to last weekend like originally planned. Fence is next and is being coordinated with my neighbours.