US launches military action against Lybia

I dont believe we will send line units




exactly. Tis why i say if we’re going in there, just do it, bomb the fucking shit outta everything and get shit done, then get the fuck out. But nooooo, this country will find other excuses to pussy foot the situation and stuff XXXXX amount of troops there for god knows how long and waste billions upon billions in another useless waste of time.

I say drop a couple billion USD in ordinance on the fucking place and call it a day. God knows we have enough HE kicking around in a multitude of forms in this country, I’m down for an early 4th of july if that’s the case.

such a damn waste on so many levels

Checking in late, but for fuck’s sake, really Obama? We’re fighting an endless money pit of a war that’s sole purpose is to distract us from the destruction of the middle class. The rich just want to line their pockets and have everyone else starve to death. Libya will undoubtedly be another clusterfuck. I think it’s great we’re defending the people, but you’ve gotta wonder who has something to gain.

I’m not one to follow, watch, or bark about conspiracies or end times. But…

It really seems like our Government is doing everything it can to kill our independence as a self sustaining world power. Just my opinion.

^welll obama is the president. and that still amazes me how he won. thats a different story tho. regardless, this should have never happened.

If this was going to happen it should’ve happened weeks ago when the rebels controlled more of the country. As long as this doesn’t go any further than our “Can Opener” offense where we engage the enemy with our smart weapons and fighter jets than OK but we can ill afford another boots on the ground campaign.

This would have happened no matter who is in office.

You guys are so naive.

Edit: especially considering McCain was pro-war.

No, it’s not just the President. I’m not Democrat nor Republican. I just know when shit don’t feel right.

Oh this isn’t right but you can’t blame one person for it.

Greedy politicians + lobbyists = decisions that make rich richer and leave us scratching our heads in confusion.

It’s been out of our hands for a long time. The voting process itself is corrupted and ruined. Every time something gets too large, this happens.

Business, Government, and Walmart. :stuck_out_tongue:

The day things change is the day politicians from either party stop only worrying about reelection and start actually caring.

That won’t happen anytime soon.

Especially when the voters know more about the American Idol winner than their representative.

major plus rep if i can and a big Wayne64SS seal of approval.

You are correct sir, this would have happened regardless. I redact my statement of wtf Obama. The shit going on there is just terrible. There’s a fallen/falling regime firing on civilians to try and assert their dominance.

well here we go again. Hopefully the U.S. won’t take place in any physical occupation.

They are saying they won’t put people on the ground.

Let’s hope they stand by that.

This is the price to pay to be the greatest superpower and leader of the western world, you take the reins on global incidences.

And everyone talking about how THIS is a waste of money? Please. We spent billions of dollars every day in Afghanistan alone, plus $500b more in defense spending around the world. Droppin a couple mil in a few tomahawks is a drop in the bucket. If everyone suddenly gives a shit about spending, fix the big problems, not the small ones like this that are saving a few ten thousand lives.

Personally? If the rest of the world wants to kill each other and not us for once, go for it. Either nuke and pave the whole middle east and north Africa or let’s mind our own damn business. America - fumbling foreign policy and making new enemies since 1950.
