US launches military action against Lybia

Here it goes boys and girls, hang on to yer butts.
This could get REAL ugly.

I hope whoever fired the missiles said “Smile, you son of a bitch!” before pressing the red button.

Great. Another issue America had to step into in order to add to the $60B/month we are already spending on war.

Fucking stupid. Leave these shit hole countries alone and let them kill each other.

None of these countries would ever ‘help’ our country if there was an issue.

I remember when Ronald Reagan bombed Libya back into the stone age 25 years ago…and the entire campaign took less than 15 minutes. I can see it now…all drawn out and billions of tax payer dollars wasted on “talks” that will never work.

I just dont understand. Obama came in promising no more war, and all that jazz… Cossey’s old sig rings true now yet again. Hitler gave great speeches too.

I am so sick of this shit where we’re the ones that gotta go mop up bitches because every other one of our so called “allies” is far to pusspuss to do it themselves. Let big-brother USA take care of the shit because they’re already hated by half the world anyway.

If we’re going in there there should be none of this bullshit fucking around, “shock and awe” type of crap like the Iraq/Afghanistan bullshit. Go in there with a dozen C-130’s, drop a dozen of our MOAB’s on the place and level the shit out of this guys military power. Send in a few of our B2’s loaded with the party popper smart bombs and take out nearly all of their ground armor and any aircraft left. Tell every civilian to GTFO if they want to stay alive because were coming in hot.

This fucking pisses me off to no end, all this diplomatic crap. Go in there and use the fucking bombs and shit we have in inventory. At least that might create some fucking jobs in this country when we need to make more and stock back up :Idiots

Don’t care if people here disagree with me, don’t want to hear your whinny shit either.

^ + rep

kick their ass, take their gas and blow the fucking place to shit

PJB… political expert and birthday extraordinaire

wow, its just getting more and more expensive.

I like the “We cannot stand idly by.”

Okay, why not? Who made us the world police.

the us just makes itself that

Wasting money, niceeeeee

It doesn’t bother me that we play the worlds police… what does bother me is that we pick and choose what we want to get into. You can’t say that your doing something for the good of the people in libya when in the past you let hundreds of thousands be murdered in Rwanda.

Rwanda was a skank.

America has ADD when it comes to warfare.

Well guess I should expect a letter in the mail from the DOD asking me to sign back up lol

No, Cliff. Her name was Wanda.

War = More money in someones pockets.
That person attached to those pockets don’t give a fuck who dies.

We are in a war that will never be won and that is the main goal.