Syrian War?

I know this may create a shit storm here. But what do you guys think of the limited strikes the US is talking about in retaliation to the “chemical” attacks that may or may not have happened?


We need to pull out and let em be ! We have enough shit going on . Call me paranoid but with so many against us going in we could be on the verge of ww3 !!!

My thoughts exactly especially with Russia being a huge backer of Syria.

war is a great boost for the economy. just sayin… :dunno

That it is eman ESP military suppliers ! But bad when u have others saying no and those same others can do harm here if need be

The only reason we’re going is because we feel the need to be the world fucking police and show that any acts commited against chemical weapons ban will be met with punishment

The rest of the world wants fuck all to do with it, so we’re stepping up to look good…

It’s stupid and we need to just stay the fuck out of it.

we are a super power but were not so super with OBAMA running the show. hes single handedly fucked us time and time again. has no balls and it shows. so we will go over there, “police” the shit out of it, hundreds of americans will die, and the gov will go broke and whine and cry in the process. is this really anything new? :Idiots

War should not be considered a economy booster. Our country is broke, I say take the taxpayer money and spend it here at home rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. Let Iraq and Afghanistan be a lesson, those country’s are the way they are. I say we stay the fuck out of the Arabian peninsula.

I don’t want another conflict but man… Those chemical attacks are fucked up.

Not our problem really , even if we go in and police it there gonna stay the same . 0 fucks given to them , ill only feel bad when our troops lose lives protecting those animals . Obama is a Muslim pile of shit just as those fucking dirty fucking scumbags are . Let them blow themselves up and so on .

Rofl… Are we really still on the whole Obama is a Muslim thing? You want to talk about the loss of American life due to foreign war, lets go back a president

He is the one pushing it right ! Or did I here him wrong ?

I never said bush didn’t set us up for failure with the war . Personally he should have sent em in when the owners dropped nuked em and got out

I hope I never see the day when another nuke gets dropped… that’s going to be the beginning of the Apocalypse.

leave those camel jockeys alone and let the whole middle east destroy itself

Good insight paul

I have to agree with you on this one. Let it be. There is always going to be some sort of conflict in the middle east.

While its super shitty to sit back and watch it happen, going in might stir the shit with a few too many people we don’t want against us.

We have so many of our own issues going on that I feel it’s in our best interest to let them do their own thing or as Paul said "let the whole middle east destroy itself " we already have a big enough target on our back and where have our allies been? definitely not defending us or backing us up…Look at this Iraq war here in 2013-Bush started it because he was defending our country…Obama is now constantly apologizing for our country so we look like giant pansies.

Yahh… Bush started the Iraq war to defend our country, from wmd’s which were never found and a country which didn’t attack us.