USB ports slow

Anyone have any idea why my USB ports wouldn’t be transferring data as fast as they used to.

I have a 2GB card for my camera, and when I used to copy the files off onto my HDD, it would take about 2 minutes when the card was full. I’ve done nothing to my computer, and all the sudden, its taking 30+ minutes. Its really annoying. Any ideas?

System specs:

Windows XP SP2
Asus P5GD1 motherboard
P4 3.2 GHz
1 GB ram

have you changed the picture size with the camera?

No, and either way though, I would just be downloading 2GB of data, would the individual file sizes make a difference?

Whats bigger 2GB worth of 500kb pictures of 2GB worth of 5MB pictures?

Uploading smaller photos is always quicker than uploading bigger photos.
Normally the computer does it one at a time.
Thats all I was getting at.

That made me lol

Check your BIOS and make sure your USB ports are running in 2.0 and not 1.1

The flash card might just be old and fragmented if memory cells have died over time. You should try another USB device to make sure that its not the card.

Also if you have other USB devices plugged into the bus that bring it down to 1.1 speeds, it will slow down. Try using the memory card reader directly to a port on the computer without any other devices on the bus or going through a hub.

Not to flash. Reading/writing from flash cards is faster in bulk operations and not individual files.