used coolant

where can you locally and LEGALLY dispose of used engine coolant? i remember there was a pamphlet at work a while back but it seems to have run off. anyone know?

Dolphins love that shit… send it to the sewer!

I know you can take used oil to pep boys… Dunno about coolant but I would suppose you could?

at advance its only oil. some one told me valvoline maybe?

jiffy lube?

put in a milk jug, label it and leave it at the service door to your closest oil change or new car dealer… okay it may not be legal… but it’ll get it out of your hands…

I thought that’s what those holes on the side of the road with that metal grate over them are for :dunno:

do you have a yard with some nice absorbent dirt?

how bout the shop that you take your car to get inspected. usually shops will help out people that they deal with. personally ill just take it to my work and dump it in the old oil 100 gallon jug for myself but noone needs to know that :slight_smile: but your too far away for me to take yours

I’ve always heard you should pour it in a toilet or sink drain (not in a storm sewer!) unless you have a septic system.


Couple milk jugs insert in black garbage bag toss on the curb.

Damn, all these years I had it wrong. I thought that is what you fed to the neighbors cats. I guess I will have to stop that now.

Don’t toss it down the sink or tolit, that only screws the shithouse operators.

I would take it to the local junkyard. I know the ones around here will take. Hell for a while they were filtering it and resaleing it for a little less than half price. I know a lot of the derby car guys loved it.

like others have said take it to a garage that does coolant flushes

hell if you want to drop it off at ntb in lower burrell i can recycle it its is 3 bucks a gallon

thats what we charge customers when we do them

take it with you into the airport and leave it somewhere unattended. preferably in a bag with some old speaker wire.

little lesson on used antifreeze/oil.

there is a place based out of johnstown that goes to businesses and takes all of their old used antifreeze free of charge. they in turn, recycle the antifreeze, and sell it in 55 gallon drums. the antifreeze they recycle/create is the stuff that can be used in any system-- so the good kind. they wholesale it at about 60% of what cost would be at any major auto parts supplier.

only catch for the business is that they have the holding drum be only antifreeze. when they suck out the coolant, oil is obviously on top if contaminated. so they suck off the bottom until it gets black–then you, the shop, are stuck w/ disposing of the shit oil which is costly if done correctly.

used oil is actually hard and costly to get rid of–especially if contaminated with coolant. hence why if you know of someone w/ a waste oil heater, they become your friend to legally dispose of your used oil provided you give them oil–not oil laced w/ antifreeze. as the antifreeze fucks up the burners. basically, engine oil, brake fluid, some gas/diesel wash mixed in w/ the oil, tranny fluid will burn. french fry grease will even burn in a waste oil heater. antifreeze–it just clogs shit.

moral-- if your jug is straight oil, or straight antifreeze-- no mix–you should be able to find a place that will legally dispose of it properly w/o a cost to you.

Dig hole bury oil. It came from the earth anyway :rofl: