valet parking

my boss asked me to valet park some cars tomorrow for a party he is having. one problem i never have been to a place that has been valet parked since i was like 4…

can someone give me a quik run thru of common curtisy things to do. like open door for pass. first or for driver first? or the lady (weather the driver or pass.)

not sure of the set up either how am i gonna keep keys organized. its at a house in houston nicknamed the oriental house. thats all that i know i dont think that it will have a actual peg board to toss the keys on like at nice hotels or anything. any help is apprciated. hopein to make a few bucs for less then 5 hours of work.

female first,
hopefully you have help, it’s hard for one guy to keep up
I left the keys in the car, they were parked in a field next to the house
! Be careful not to lock the keys in the car !

We did valet at work and to keep the keys organized when the customer got out we gave them a ticket with a number,then we would put a tag on there rear view mirror with that number. So when u go to get the cars you just go by the numbers just like getting your car serviced at a dealer when they put the tag on your rear view mirror. Hope that helps as far as keeping keys and such organized.

keep the keys organized, dont move the seat, when you pull up leave the driver door open and walk around and open the passenger side for his is easier if you have someone there to help you at least to get the passenger side door so they can get in at the same time.

ill prob end up doing this because its in the parking lot behind the building. ill be sure to take my lock out kit from work. you know JUST IN CASE. only takes about a minute to get into pretty much every car. looks like its gonna be nice also. leaving a window cracked FTW…

and thanks about the leave drivers door open open pass door. and ill be flying solo from what i understand. :hsugh:

that sounds about right

maybe see if can grab someone at the end of the night just in case a large group wants to leave at the same time. even if someone can be there to set the keys out for the order of people coming out. you dont want people waiting to long for there car .

calo me tomorrow man,i valet about 100cars by myself for the Tomko cons christmas party last year

I valeted allot this summer and people as usual are hard to deal with. They will do weird things that make your job hard. They will park in the middle so other cars cant get buy, they will lock their doors. they will just leave their car there while you are parking another car and you will have no clue whose car it is lol. Just try to do your best get the door for the ladies etc if your not using tickets you going to have to ask people what car they had . Don’t feel bad about it we used tickets but still had to do it for the people who didn’t wait around for tickets, it happens. So just try your best I remember my first few days on the job I was stressed out, you just have to let the little things go your going to make mistakes people probably wont even notice. Make sure soon as you get there you plan how your going to park them. Oh and back them in when you park so you can just get in and go.

Good luck

see i work for pittsburgh valet sometimes. Actually gotta work on wensday. Soemtimes u got a keyboard. But sometime u leave the key on the front tire. You leave a slip o nthe dash. on key and then with customer. You open the door for lady first. Unless ( normally) you have enough guys there u can open up all the doors at once. Say hi how are you. Have a good evening. Or have a good nite. When there leaving open the door and hold it until they TIP YOU lol.

everybody keeps talking about getting the door for the girl first…

BUT what iff say BurnyD and Cheeks pull up in the purple Jeep OR the MR2, then what? then who?

Basically if the couple is or appears to be gay, do you still get the door for the date first or the drivers, seeing that he may be the peerson paying you…