valve cover oil seep problem

Ok on to my next issue to clear up on the car I am fixing up. The valve cover has a oil seep on the one side. Now this is not a problem with the gasket since its new. The problem I am sure of is because 2 of the bolt holes seem to be stripped :frowning: . Now because of it I cannot tighten that side down properly. Is there some way that I can fix this problem, I have heard of products that you can put in holes to allow somthing to be tighten down once. Or do I need to tap the holes?(if its possible to tap the bolt holes in not in the valve cover but in the engine). If anyone could help with this I would really appreciate it. I do plan on replacing the engine with a lower KM KA24DE but for now I have to do with what I have.

Tap and Die set from Canadian Tire should do it…
Make a new bigger thread… Put in a Bigger Bolt…

If I understood you correctly, This should do the job :smiley:


If your lazy like me, and need a quick fix.
Use some washers, and stack them on top of the original washer.

well I am not lazy but thats what seems to be the last guys way of doing things since I am finding some bolts with washers built up #-o . What I think I am doing to do is try and find a product my dads friend used on his 69 GTO Judge. He told me about something called HeliCoil. I guess what it dose is taps out a slightly bigger treaded hole then you insert this steel wire coil in the hole. What it dose is the coil restors the origional hole size so you can still use the standard bolts. He said the great thing is it make the hole stronger and you cant strip it ever again, if you did somehow screw up the threads you can just remove the coil and replace it. If thats the case then I am going to do it to a few areas of my engine.

Oh btw for Shift_Krunk (Brandon) - I saw your body work you did to you car all I can say is it looks very good. I was going to ask if you would be interested in helping someone out (eg me). My inner rear fenders are rusted out and I was wanting to replace them I just ordered from Nissan (my dad has a friend that works at a nissan dealership) the Genuine Nissan Body Repair Manual - Fundamentals that the dealerships use. If your interested give me a idea of what you would like.

Yeh man, Im free. If you want ill lend you a hand tommorow… Please just go into greater detail of whats rusted (exact spot, size, hole/surface?)

Where abouts are you… I wouldnt want much… I can bring my bodywork materials and tools with me… Maybe cost of the materials and a tip 8)

Im fine to lend a hand to a SON member, as long as they want to contribute back to the club…Anyways…PM me the info and we’ll get it done :wink:

Its summer man, im off, and not working till next week, no worries.

I also have the tap and die set here too if you’d like to use it…

If you have msn, just add me on there…