Vending, good business idea or no?

Apprechiate the offer man, but im pretty sure I used to do what your talking about and did not favor it… Correct me if im wrong, but you answer phones 24 hours a day and take messages for businesses that are only open like 9-5 correct?

Yep, your installing an electrical and refridgerated device on their property. I would have to think the machine needs to be inspected, certified, etc to make sure it doesn’t burn the place to the ground or leak shit everywhere. I assume also the machine might need insurance, so it the place got broken into, robbed, or vandalized you cant turn around and sue the building owner for your machine getting damaged.

With any business, get a lawyer and pitch it to them, because what do we know!??!

no , not at all dude lol

It’s a lot more than that, I’ve been down this road.

I am not sure what road you speak of.

KrazyKid and BoostCreep are dead on. Look into lagistics, legality, and don’t forget you likely need authorization from RedBull… you may needto keep them within a certain temperture range to maintain stability or taste…that kinda crap… distributors are NOT selling 16 oz for $1 each.

But, keep the idea alive…do the research… call whom ever is authorized dist. in the area.

in reguards to the redbull itself… My brother knew a rep chick in our area… the one with the mini-cooper with the redbull molded in the roof! It isnt easy to get redbull backing a resale effort. Private sale, which I think this might still be is a different thing. I have a can infront of me, and nowhere on it does it say “not for resale” or anything so it might be ok to resell it private.

not trying to shoot you down, dont get me or the rest of us wrong. I too would like to know how it really works… so keep at it. :thumbup

Dave i stole your idea with a spin on it…I installed a four loco machine at elliotts house…I will b fawking rich in no time!!!

[QUOTE=AUDI_JAY;718362]Dave i stole your idea with a spin on it…I installed a four loco machine at elliotts house…I will b fawking rich in no time!!![/QUOT

love this lol.

Well I stole your idea installed a Whipped Lightning machine at Bettys Bakery down town. Making bank off fat kids wanting to get drunk eatin pies FTW!

That is actually genius.


Bad math on my part.

$5800 a year x6 machines =34,800

Still not $7Xk a year lol.

Im not sure what your doing? I DID make an error but a small error as I did months instead of days… Regaurdless, if I do it by days the number is actually HIGHER.

Yes, you are correct, 20 cans a day is $40 profit x 6 machines = $240… $240 x 365 days = $87,600 and thats if I only sell a measily 20 cans a day. IDK if you belong to Planet Fitness but the place is PACKED from 5am to 11pm and even 11pm to 5am there is still traffic. I did however not include the 20% for there fee and I should have Yes.

BTW, 20% is HUGE, from the research I’ve gathered the normal rate is FREE to 10%, but becuase it is a well established facility I would increase that to 20%

Last, even if I only made $50k a yr which is no where near what I think I WOULD make thats 60% of the capital regions full time work salary, for me it would just be a side thing… I think $50k translates to almost $1k a week? I’d like to see $4k a week at least but $1k for doing minimal week is ok with me.

the math so far is horrible… haha.

$5800 a year per machine is around $15 a day, thats a joke, thats only 7.5 cans, lets round to 8, still a joke in a 24 hour facility that has 18,000+ members… employees alone would buy 8 cans a day lol.

I would do a lot of research first… get it all approved and ready to go… get info from the distributor etc… then get the machines and install them.

if you could make 86k a yr i think everyone would get into the vending business

BJ’s sells 24 cans for $32 where could you get them cheaper?

The vending machines are about $1000 new, thats a very good price actually. In theory it sounds like a good idea, buttttt

I think you will run into problems actually putting them in the stores, you may know the people there but when the top dickheads roll through on their yearly visits they may not like it, not to mention they want all the profits from the machines, so if they see you making all this money why not just say screw you and do it themsleves and make 100% of the profits