Vending, good business idea or no?

Yea, thats no way to workout! Best Fitness is pretty cool tho, my buddy used to work there, I like the mental patient room with the padded walls and single punching bag LOL.

Yeah, that would be a good idea to be open atleast until 12.

And do something about getting more good looking girls in there at night, especially Fridays.

Fridays are a major sausage fest.

who’s your buddy?

Jeremy Duby, looks like Mr Clean on a rediculously high dose of test and tren lol.

doesnt seem familiar although I might have seen him there.

I feel slightly gay posting pictures of half naked men but this is him… Kinda looks small as fuck to me now, this dude used to be like 260, I think I weigh as much as him in this pic lol.

doesnt look familiar either

What are you squat/deadlifting?

1 rep max squat is 465, dead lift is 500, id like to get my squat to match my deadlift soon. Today I weighed in at 204 pounds, hopefully by the end of winter I can get to 225 and the extra mass with help me with lifting heavy.

Good work!


working out is for moes

Look at all your muscle heads… turning a bussiness idea into highshcool look at me gym shit.

yes I am a jelous 135lb dork who cant curl a car battery if I needed to. lol

You and I had the only realy good ideas in here yet. The Booze whipped cream dispensor at Grannys Pies, and the HIDS and muffler vending machine at HVCC. You gave me another great idea too the Fart Cannon crane machine game installed in the lower lot at Kohls! Or a coat hanger vending machine infront of a Planed Parenthood. :rofl

can i buy one of these redbull machines too?


How are you making out?

bought, sold and moved on lol… too much work/labor for one man and I dont have any friends that are unemployed that coulda helped… Still trying to sell my box truck, its the only thing I got left, all machines are sold… im in the new cash for gold store now by hvcc in the sunoco gas station.

You’re incredible :rofl

lol, think im gonna stick with the gold for now and then slowly start investing in 2-3 unit homes in need of rehab… Me and my friend rehabbed a house in 13 days… bought the house for $8900, put less then 6k into it and now its on the market for $50k and says its worth $90k i believe so it should sell fairly quick… I want to fix the 2-3 units up however and keep them as residual income… was never a fan until recently… Now I see how freakin quick and easy it is to make a terrible house nice again.

Dude power to ya. You’re motivated and don’t ever stop.

I presume a HUD home in Schenectady for $8900?

Talk to Jammer on here about this if you’re interested, he’s got experience in the matter, currently rents after fixing up a few properties and is a very good person to be in touch with if you’re moving into this direction. He’s been at it for years.

yea, it was a forclosure, they wanted like 18000 for it the way it was but we offered them the 8900 and they took it lol…

good to know about jammer, thanks

And im actually lazy lol, I am forced to appear motivated due to lack of education… If I didnt move around so much and have to support myself since 17 I would have gone to college but since I didnt and since I hate working for someone I gotta hustle and be creative lol.