Vending, good business idea or no?

Theres some good pre-workout drinks out there, but most arent readily available at a Haji-mart to get. Energy drinks are a crock of shit imo

they work just enough to get me going and then adrenaline or something kicks in and Im fine.

I have one every now and then when I get tired during work and it wakes me up for a bit then too.

Most ive seen at haj marts is myoplex, good after workout shake

Energy drinks are only good for making… drinks.

energy drink, with caffeine and sugar, is the last thing you should be drinking before a workout

Redbull and Vodka ftw. Expensive at a bar though.

The cheaper energy drinks dont go as well with vodka as Redbull does for some reason.

So a monster energy drink releases/creates adrenaline? :lol

no, but working out does. I just need the quick burst of energy from the drink to get going and then once Im working out Ive got energy from working out.

Why is that, if you dont like the taste of Redbull itself I can understand (even tho theyve got cocacola red bull now!) but besides that im stumped? Energy drinks are great for pre workout drinks, they just shut you down afterwards, I myself just pop 2 100mg caffeine pills pre workout and im off the fucking wall, I JUST got back from the gym actually, was curling 75 pound dumbells like it was nothing, honestly if I DIDNT take caffeine pills or an energy drink pre workout I dont think id push myself enough… As for muscle milk idk about pre workout, but its certainly a good POST workout drink directly after to get the nutrients you just killed right back into your body… Best times to consume protein are 15 minutes within waking up, within 15 minutes after a workout and within 30 minutes of going to bed.

Sorry to call you out, but Im gonna have to call BS on 75lb DB curls with proper form when I saw a pic of you awhile back. I know guys that are benching over 400lbs that dont DB curl that kind of weight.

Lmao, Bro If planet fitness HAD dumbells that were HIGHER then 75 I’d be curling more that that, 75 is bullshit man, sorry. Im talking hammer curls btw… As for benching, im not far away from 400 at 365 and I have witnesses from right here on shift. Not sure if you know my buddy Nedim, kid with slammed a4 but he works out with me daily and will confirm both, I did 3 sets of 8 with 75’s today.

I guess I see the need for you to call me out though as im not big E or anything so its all good lol.

Im not tryin to bust balls or anything, just kinda popped up as “off” to me. If you can do em, more power to ya dude!

lol, if need be the gym is right across the st from me, il go back now and get you a vid of me poppin out 6 reps with the 75’s lol. 75’s are a joke, I think I could prolly do 100’s for 8 with good form if they had em.

PF in rotterdam?


Ahh ok, I was gonna say, Im not too far from the Rotterdam one lol. I hated working out at PF, other than it being a 24hr place!

I wish Best was 24 hours or atleast open until 10 on Fridays. Sometimes I get there a little late and have to cut my workout short because they close at 9 on Fridays.

Dude, I used to be the same way, so freakin busy, cant focus on what you wanna do, everyone always looking at the weight your benching and shit but now I kinda like it lol.

Word. You think for what they charge they could at least stay open till midnight or so.