Verizon Cell Phone Bill Question.....

IN Text 57 64
Other Domestic Text 181 232
Other PIX/FLIX 5 21
-What the hell is the difference between “In Text” and "Other domestic Text?
-Same with “in Pix” and “Other Pix”
-Do all of these get added up? Why does Verizon make this so damn difficult? Spring gives you a simple number on total used.

in means in the verizon network.

I have the 500 text message plan for the additional 5 or 10 bucks. Does this mean I get unlimited in texts from any network? or do I also get charged for them?

you get 500 sent or recieved for people outside of verizon and unlimited to people who have verizon.

Verizon has IN messaging when you get unlimited to anyone on verizon. Typically inclucded for 5 - 20 dollars a month on old plans.

Other domestic is anyone on any other network in the US.

If you are on the new verizon plan you get unlimited to anyone in the US so it doesnt matter since its all free and included in the plan:) I just signed a new contract with verizon when i got my new phone and this is what the plan includes. Alot cheaper than what my family was paying for on the old plan and got a lot more features.


Verizon has IN messaging when you get unlimited to anyone on verizon. Typically inclucded for 5 - 20 dollars a month on old plans.

Other domestic is anyone on any other network in the US.

If you are on the new verizon plan you get unlimited to anyone in the US so it doesnt matter since its all free and included in the plan:) I just signed a new contract with verizon when i got my new phone and this is what the plan includes. Alot cheaper than what my family was paying for on the old plan and got a lot more features.


Which plan do you have>? I just got my new phone. I have the $39.00 plan which includes 450 anytime minutes, 500 free texts, unlimited night time and weekends. With this being said, the “In messaging” does not get billed since it’s Verizon to Verizon?

i can understand the fact that the phone was backordered and thats why you went somewhere that had it in stock, but this is what happens when you dont buy from me.

they break it down like that so you know how many verizon to verizon you are using, and how many “billable” you are using out of/over your allotted.

edit: and this is hardly difficult.


i can understand the fact that the phone was backordered and thats why you went somewhere that had it in stock, but this is what happens when you dont buy from me.

they break it down like that so you know how many verizon to verizon you are using, and how many “billable” you are using out of/over your allotted.

edit: and this is hardly difficult.


So “In” texts are verizon to Verizon and are not billable. I know it’s not difficult but it’s different than others do it.


i can understand the fact that the phone was backordered and thats why you went somewhere that had it in stock, but this is what happens when you dont buy from me.

they break it down like that so you know how many verizon to verizon you are using, and how many “billable” you are using out of/over your allotted.

edit: and this is hardly difficult.


:rofl: :clap:


So “In” texts are verizon to Verizon and are not billable. I know it’s not difficult but it’s different than others do it.


you can do as many texts back and forth to verizon as you want. i routinely do ~4k/month.

highest ive ever seen is 19,232. in one month.

was it skunkape? because i think he lives on his phone/ice cream sandwhich

19k texts…holy crap!

Mobile AIM is a killer. It can use quite a bit :slight_smile:


Mobile AIM is a killer. It can use quite a bit :slight_smile:


wasn’t this. this was 19k verizon to verizon texts. my friends sister, freshmen in college. needless to say, her father was none to pleased when he found that out (the cost wasn’t anything extra though, they were all included in his $10 plan). I still have yet to find anyone thats ever seen more than that.

19232 in 31 days

~620.39 every day

~25.85 an hour (24 hours)

~34.47 an hour (18 hours, figure 6 hours for sleep/shower/whatever)

edit: and she wondered why her screen stopped working :uhh:


Which plan do you have>? I just got my new phone. I have the $39.00 plan which includes 450 anytime minutes, 500 free texts, unlimited night time and weekends. With this being said, the “In messaging” does not get billed since it’s Verizon to Verizon?


I just switched to the Americas Choice Family Share Plan (yea my parents pay my phone bill). Its 129.99 for 3 lines with unlimited messaging on all phones - 19% for being a government employee so its amazing. Includes 1400 anytime minutes too. Unlimited txt, pix, flix, and mobile IM so you can use it on your u740 too.


wasn’t this. this was 19k verizon to verizon texts. my friends sister, freshmen in college. needless to say, her father was none to pleased when he found that out (the cost wasn’t anything extra though, they were all included in his $10 plan). I still have yet to find anyone thats ever seen more than that.

19232 in 31 days

~620.39 every day

~25.85 an hour (24 hours)

~34.47 an hour (18 hours, figure 6 hours for sleep/shower/whatever)

edit: and she wondered why her screen stopped working :uhh:


If that is not on a qwerty keyboard… YIKES…