Verizon to Open Access to Apps and Devices Next Year

BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Verizon Wireless today announced that it will provide customers the option to use, on its nationwide wireless network, wireless devices, software and applications not offered by the company. Verizon Wireless plans to have this new choice available to customers throughout the country by the end of 2008.
In early 2008, the company will publish the technical standards the development community will need to design products to interface with the Verizon Wireless network. Any device that meets the minimum technical standard will be activated on the network. Devices will be tested and approved in a $20 million state-of-the-art testing lab which received an additional investment this year to gear up for the anticipated new demand. Any application the customer chooses will be allowed on these devices.
This new option goes beyond just a change in the design, delivery, purchase, and provisioning of wireless devices and applications.
“This is a transformation point in the 20-year history of mass market wireless devices – one which we believe will set the table for the next level of innovation and growth,” said Lowell McAdam, Verizon Wireless president and chief executive officer. “Verizon Wireless is not changing our successful retail model, but rather adding an additional retail option for customers looking for a different wireless experience.”
Verizon Wireless will continue to provide a full-service offering, from retail stores where customers can shop, to 24/7 customer service and technical support, to an easy-to-use handset interface and optimized software applications.
While most Verizon Wireless customers prefer the convenience of full service, the company is listening through today’s announcement to a small but growing number of customers who want another choice without full service.
Both full-service and “bring-your-own” customers will have the advantage of using America’s most reliable network.
Following publication of technical standards, Verizon Wireless will host a conference to explain the standards and get input from the development community on how to achieve the company’s goals for network performance while making it easy for them to deliver devices. Verizon Wireless has a track record of listening to customers and transforming entrenched industry practices based on those customer needs. The company parted with the industry last year when it introduced pro-rated early termination fees, and in 2004 when it refused to participate in a wireless directory when customers said they didn’t want one. Verizon Wireless also broke with “wireless tradition” when it supported local number portability because customers wanted the freedom to take their number if they switched service providers. Such responsiveness to customers has earned Verizon Wireless the strongest brand reputation in the industry.

:tup: good move

this could be fun


this could be fun


im sure they have some way of making more money in mind, but i think this is a good move.

Google is already pushing to standardize an open source phone operating system…


im sure they have some way of making more money in mind, but i think this is a good move.


so im guessing this is an early phase of their GSM rollout?


so im guessing this is an early phase of their GSM rollout?


not a chance. even r-uim would be a strech. they would rather offer quad band phones for world roaming than go gsm and tear down their existing network.

(the new moto z6 was just announced in a quad band)

This is cool. What exactly does it mean… like I could take a Sprint, Helio, etc phone and use it on Verizon’s network instead?


Example : Buy sprint 8830 with unlocked GPS

turn on using VZW


another example is the 6800

however, untill it is policy, everything is " in theory" right now


Google is already pushing to standardize an open source phone operating system…


Verizon is not current part of Android’s Open Handset Alliance.

Verizon Selects LTE As 4G Wireless Broadband Direction


i thought VZW was on a different network.



i thought VZW was on a different network.


it is. dont ask me how they are gonna do it, i have no idea.

i really want a blackberry with a camera. tmobile has like the blackberry world edition with a camera on it. i dont like the pearl. i have the voyager right now and like it a lot.

i want an iphone like dozer…