Verizon Wireless Going with GSM-UMTS Successor for 4G Wirless

Finally, the world makes sense…

i saw this yesterday and thought wow this makes sense.

Oh the irony. Where are the GSM haters now?


i saw this yesterday and thought wow this makes sense.


Time for them to get on the rest of the bandwagon. I don’t know how many EV-DO revisions they get into until they aren’t a 3G spec anymore.

Rev C is 100mbit down or something close IIRC.

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:3,topic:35750"”]

Oh the irony. Where are the GSM haters now?


I don’t think it’s a matter of being partial to one technology or not, VWZ just has the best coverage except in Bangor/Orono ME (:rofl:) so that is why people go for.

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:3,topic:35750"”]

Oh the irony. Where are the GSM haters now?


how well did your T mobile phone work when you were in Texas?


so does this mean i have to wait longer for my phone or what? tell me this news as it relates to me and how it makes my life more gooder


how well did your T mobile phone work when you were in Texas?





so does this mean i have to wait longer for my phone or what? tell me this news as it relates to me and how it makes my life more gooder


It means when you get a call when this is all implemented your speakers will go haywire… hehehe…

Seriously though, it means better handset choices because that’s what the rest of the world will be on. Baller Nokia phones, etc…


how well did your T mobile phone work when you were in Texas?



Just fine my friend, just fine. :slight_smile:


I don’t think it’s a matter of being partial to one technology or not, VWZ just has the best coverage except in Bangor/Orono ME (:rofl:) so that is why people go for.


Yeah, but I remember years ago people arguing against GSM and how CDMA was the way of the future…


Seriously though, it means better handset choices because that’s what the rest of the world will be on. Baller Nokia phones, etc…



Now when a sweet phone comes out, you won’t have to wait a few extra months for it to be adapted to CDMA before you can use it… Or have to settle for 2nd rate manufacturers… Or be forced to buy branded, locked and molested versions of phones… etc.

Just imagine the sweet phones Verizon would have had today if they had gone GSM like they should have 7+ years ago… just maybe Verizon customers would have been the first to get Apple’s iPhone? :ohnoes:

But enough of me touting GSM. I’m sure you’re all sick of it. :slight_smile:

And we won’t see the fruits of this for a few more years anyway.

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:10,topic:35750"”]

…just maybe Verizon customers would have been the first to get Apple’s iPhone? :ohnoes:.


Well, you are not entirely correct, Jobs pitched it to Verizon first and they said, “No thanks”…


Well, you are not entirely correct, Jobs pitched it to Verizon first and they said, “No thanks”…


True, but Verizon’s decision had nothing to do with GSM vs CDMA. It was over the business relationship that Apple wanted with them and the role they (Verizon) wanted to play when it came to the development of the phone.

Imagine how the iPhone would look with the Verizon logo splashed on all the menus and that horrible red / black theme on everything… and not being able to change it because that’s what Verizon locked into the firmware…

I was just suggesting that if Verizon had been building a GSM network for the last 7 years, then they would have already been working with other phone manufactures in the same capacity as Jobs wanted them to work with Apple. Maybe then they would have been more flexible as Jobs and Apple wanted.

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:12,topic:35750"”]

True, but Verizon’s decision had nothing to do with GSM vs CDMA. It was over the business relationship that Apple wanted with them and the role they (Verizon) wanted to play when it came to the development of the phone.

Imagine how the iPhone would look with the Verizon logo splashed on all the menus and that horrible red / black theme on everything… and not being able to change it because that’s what Verizon locked into the firmware…

I was just suggesting that if Verizon had been building a GSM network for the last 7 years, then they would have already been working with other phone manufactures in the same capacity as Jobs wanted them to work with Apple. Maybe then they would have been more flexible as Jobs and Apple wanted.


I see what you are getting at but then life would have been much easier and we can’t have that, now can we?

the point i thought about was that when vw customers are in vodaphone territory they are roaming, when vodaphone customers are here they are roaming.

making it so they can roam on each other makes perfect sense.

i still like cdma though :stuck_out_tongue:

Point is, Verizon finally got their heads out of their asses long enough to realize CDMA is dated and cannot keep up with data speeds of 3G GSM UMTS technology.

Lets see, max data speed of CDMA 2 mbps
Max data speed of 3G GSM 6 mbps…HMMMMM

Another interesting fact about Verizon, Verizon has less customers than AT&T yet they make more money per year. hmmmm wonder how that happens.

And Verizon has what all of 20 phones, and AT&T has any phone in the world that is GSM…

Cant Wait til my Nokia N95 8GB Black, comes in december.


Any phone, and 4G? SIQQQ

haha, AT&T and verizon will have the same phones but verizons will still have a shitty UI…i foresee massive profit to be made by me in unlocking AT&T phones and selling them :slight_smile:


Another interesting fact about Verizon, Verizon has less customers than AT&T yet they make more money per year. hmmmm wonder how that happens.


they are more profitable?


haha, AT&T and verizon will have the same phones but verizons will still have a shitty UI…i foresee massive profit to be made by me in unlocking AT&T phones and selling them :slight_smile:


the UI plays a lot less of a roll than most think. the average user cares not about this. nerds and HoFo care about this.


they are more profitable?


must be all the unwillingness to work with you on overages, billing fuckups, ETF’s, early upgrades, etc. and the overpriced vCrap they force you to buy :stuck_out_tongue: