very disturbing!!


What the FUCK is that?

I want to say pelican, but I just can’t be sure.

it is :slight_smile:

this thread pisses me off beyond belief. i am a father so this makes me EXTRA fucking heated.

when will the senseless crimes against innocent children stop?

Seriously WTF?

Holy F-ck to say the least!:Idiots

that… theres no words to describe! and the fact the the kid recalled “daddy ate my eye out”.:crazy

I’ll show that guy torture:sFi_bat: ill put 2 nice filet knifes thru both his eyes then hang him to a tree by his dick and cut it off with a hack saw as he drops 30-40 ft and then put an axe thru his chest right thru his ribs and kidney… and then burn him!:ahh

what its sick man jeese that guys insane… it pisses me off:vladADAM!

And doing what you proposed to do isnt?? :crazy

Dont get me wrong, it pisses me off to the extreme as well

new signature. thank you.

Your talkin to my boy all wrong…do it again, and ill stab you in the face with a soldering iron.

post quoted & reported.

:excited im flautered!:lmao

:excited im flattered!:lmao

No torture. It’s obvious this guy is a lowlife degenerate and probably thrives off of pain. Quick death. instant.

and not the fucking death penalty, which costs an average of 1.8 million or so dollars, and takes like 5-10 years.

I’m talking right after the sentencing, a single 9mm shot through his side so it gets both lungs… That should cost what…40 cents?

good thought code blue!

I had to do a case study on the death penalty. That shit needs some revamping

Wire cutters, pliers, HCL acid, hot coals, a bal peen hammer, a glass tube inserted in his dick and then smashed…and he eventually dies by choking to death on his own eyes.

whats the point? so YOU can get pleasure from torturing him? that makes you no better than him.

two wrongs don’t make a right