very disturbing!!

w/e makes people happy… go for it!

oh sure, until you realize how many of YOUR tax dollars goes towards capital punishment. Fuck that

The average cost of defending a trial in a federal death case is $620,932, about 8 times that of a federal murder case in which the death penalty is not sought. A study found that those defendants whose representation was the least expensive, and thus who received the least amount of attorney and expert time, had an increased probability of receiving a death sentence. Defendants with less than $320,000 in terms of representation costs (the bottom 1/3 of federal capital trials) had a 44% chance of receiving a death sentence at trial. On the other hand, those defendants whose representation costs were higher than $320,000 (the remaining 2/3 of federal capital trials) had only a 19% chance of being sentenced to death. Thus, the study concluded that defendants with low representation costs were more than twice as likely to receive a death sentence. The complete report can be found here.

        (Office of Defender Services of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, "[Update on Cost, Quality, and Availability of Defense Representation in Federal Death Penalty Cases](," June 2008; prepared by Jon Gould and Lisa Greenman).

Wow, thats superinteresting. How many of those cases involved a father eating the eyeballs out of their 4 year old helpless child’s head?! I’m going to go out on a limb and guess 0. So incredibly useless statistics aside (statistics that can and always are skewed to the mindset of the researcher), the man is a blight on the human race and should be erased. My views on him being tortured to death are just cathartic because that will never happen.

it doesn’t matter the specifics of the case, its the same process

Since its not a FEDERAL case the statistics you posted don’t really matter do they? Anytime the government is involved with paying the bill the cost of everything is inflated. So instead of implying it cost too much to kill amonster like this so we shouldn’t have a death penalty, maybe someone could focus on a way to fix a broken system that requires so much money for a defense and prosecution. And before you go find some more statistics to wow everyone with maybe you could focus on the point of the thread. I believe the thread was entitled “very disturbing!” unless of course a father eating the eyeballs out of his 4 year olds head isn’t disturbing to you.

what the FUCK are you babbling about.

what happened there was u just got schooled and now u dont know how to repsond to that except refering to froggys responce as “babble”

I got “schooled” because I said I thought torture wasn’t the right answer, and that two wrongs don’t make a right?? Like I said, a simple gunshot would do. but I am humbled by your great wiseness.