Vette owners, Someone needs to buy this.

For the price, you can’t go wrong. This is stupid cheap.

f that, vettes love :tspry:

mystery brand turbo and WG, looks like a knockoff tial BOV as well, though if that’s real 321SS, that shit is expensive as fuck.

Boost loves :tspry:

Agreed, but honestly, if I wasnt planning on pushing those turbos to the limit and I had that engine I’d probably rock it.

my shit was 321. lucky for me, the bum that made my kit’s uncle owned a steel plant

yea that looks like all real shitty parts i wouldnt put it on my vette shit looks like it would eat itself, all the piping is paper thin also

real shitty parts from the looks of it. inferior quality. i don’t like where everything mounts looks like pretty high under hood temps.

i’ll be making just about the same amount of power on my current setup except most likely more torque.

If ANYONE has seen the problems caused by no name brand turbo kits it’s me. That’s a lot of what comes into hybrid and they end up costing a lot more to fix then the original kit price.

Hi Flo kit is the best out there for the vettes so far. and it’s about 7500 and well worth the price

What do you think of the HP Performance kits? They are very stealth, someone I know back home had one on his Z06.

you just need to STFU and fix 1 of your cars :lol:

HP Hi Flow … same thing i did a lot of looking at these they’re awsome… baller … however a big cube motor is much more fun for a DD

You get what you pay for! “Stupid cheap” aint for me.

is hi flo still in control of their kits?.. my kit was handed over to speed engineering? a big supra company

i haven’t checked up on them in a long time. a TT kit was in the works but the older i get the more my priorities change.


You get what you pay for!..


And when I posted this it was at $700

Sold for over 3 grand…:rant:

Top mount?


I’m not sure I’d want to compromise the performance of the Z06 by adding a turbo. There is something to be said for the instant on power and response of a naturally aspirated engine.


I’m not sure I’d want to compromise the performance of the Z06 by adding a turbo. There is something to be said for the instant on power and response of a naturally aspirated engine.


:wstupid: i agree 110% not to mention the torque for daily driving.

too bad this won’t fit on a GTO