Vick take Plea Deal

And i was waiting for the typical “pit bulls enjoy eating children”
the truth is that centurys ago the dogs were bred not only for fighting but they were bred to NOT be aggressive towards humans, and any reputable breeder today pride themselves in breeding pit bulls that are not aggressive towards humans…i will say once again aggressiveness towards humans is not in this breeds bloodlines…its when stupid (EDIT: Drop another racial slur and you are banned -thanks, mgmt) in and from the ghetto (i.e. mike vick) get ahold of these dogs and want to make them have this reputation of the nastiest dogs in the world…and then ignorant people like yourself watch the news and see only that a pitbull attacked somebody…but the reality is that hundreds of people are attacked, mauled,and even killed by thousands of other breeds of dog… pitbulls are the only ones that make the news because nobody wants to hear about a golden retriever attacking kids, its not a story unless the headlines say “pit bull maules baby”