Vick take Plea Deal

And i was waiting for the typical “pit bulls enjoy eating children”
the truth is that centurys ago the dogs were bred not only for fighting but they were bred to NOT be aggressive towards humans, and any reputable breeder today pride themselves in breeding pit bulls that are not aggressive towards humans…i will say once again aggressiveness towards humans is not in this breeds bloodlines…its when stupid (EDIT: Drop another racial slur and you are banned -thanks, mgmt) in and from the ghetto (i.e. mike vick) get ahold of these dogs and want to make them have this reputation of the nastiest dogs in the world…and then ignorant people like yourself watch the news and see only that a pitbull attacked somebody…but the reality is that hundreds of people are attacked, mauled,and even killed by thousands of other breeds of dog… pitbulls are the only ones that make the news because nobody wants to hear about a golden retriever attacking kids, its not a story unless the headlines say “pit bull maules baby”

dude you obviously love your dog… we have our opinions you have yours. get over it… the whole world doesnt have to love pitbulls for you to like them.

You might as well save your breath,

Cunty knows all, and is more than willing to tell you that you know nothing.

  1. :rofl: @ Cunty

  2. over the last few weeks I really think he’s been running a campaign for “Pittspeed’s Biggest Cock Devouring Faggot”. He definitely gets my vote.

I would expect more from you. Pits were bred NOT to harm humans. Pick up a book some time and read. Something from a reputable source. Back when the dog was being bred, they had to be handled while hurt by there owners/trainers in between rounds, just like boxing.

Well anyone knows that when a animal is wounded it is very hairy to be around. These dogs were originally bred to allow the contact by humans especially when hurt and not be agressive. Any dog that was agressive back then was usually culled.

The “known predator” sterotype is due to misbreading, misclassification and so forth of the actual dog.

Hell at one point in time dogs like GSD, Dobermens, and Rotties all had a bad rap due to misinformation about what really happened.

and here’s a question for all the pit bull haters. Since they’re so dangerous, what do you suggest we do? ban them as pets? kill them off till extinct? what?

does it really matter why these dogs are the way ther are? It seems that the only people who like the dogs are pitbull owners who know how to raise a dog. But it seems a lot of people treat them like shit. I could care less why the dogs have a bad reputation, they just do.

And I am pretty sure everyone knows the dogs are not bred to harm humans, but I bet a lot of them are bred to be fighters and agressive, which translates into bad things happening at some point.

If pitbulls are so well behaved, why do they have the rep that they currently have?

I say we kill everything that I personally do not like. :smiley:

I do not know the answer to your question. You can’t exterminate an entire breed though. It’s just something we have to deal with.

I teach my kids to get away from any dog they see, hopefully they do not get bit by one.

because when they do attack, they are more harmful because they’re bigger. And because they’ve gotten really popular over the last few years so there are a LOT more of them out there. And because the news media can never resist making a big fucking deal out of a Pit bull attacking someone.

Either way, its not speculation that they are no more likely to attack than any other dog. It’s fact. Why they have a reputation is really a moot point.

excellent answer. 99 times out of a 100 when a dog attacks someone it’s being provoked in one way or another. Teaching people to respect dogs and how to be around them is the best thing to do. I know several people back up in the burgh and several down here that have dogs that “cant be around new people, are mean tempered, will bite you” etc. After 10 minutes with every one of them they’d never even think of being overly aggressive towards me. Dont show fear, establish your dominance, and then let them get used to you and realize that you are not a threat to them and 99% of the time they’ll at least leave you alone, if not turn into a totally harmless little puppy.

Media, the media could fuck up a one car funeral. It’s a damn snow ball effect. They interview the dumbest person on the “scene” of an incident, that stupid person makes an inaccurate statement, the media latches onto it and it snow balls from there. I have seen it, been part of it with other situations, and still deal with it to this day.

I deal with these idiots on a weekly basis when they call in “looking” for stories because it is a slow news night. They always report the wrong stuff and are always trying to make shit more interesting than it is.

I still want a pitbull.

so how’s that trying to compensate for you own inequities as a man with a stockpile of guns, fast cars and mean looking dogs going for you?

:rofl: at blaming the media.


at being as nieve as you are.

:rofl: at you :rofl: at me.

being nieve that pit bulls are dangerous? Yes, they are. You are the one that needs to look around a little and not just look at your one scenario and base everything on that. You may have a very nice pitbull, but there are probably a few of them right now chewing up on a poor innocent person.


i’m done with this, dog owners are :nuts:

If that poor innocent person as smart enough to be carrying a gun, they wouldn’t be getting chewed up would they?

My 65 year old mother has a pitbull, damn nicest dog I have ever been around. YES, I’m a dog guy, we have had everything from poodles to pitbulls, they are just like kids, they are only as good as you make them.

I hope all of the pit haters on here never reproduce. If they cant raise a kid any better than a dog, We’ll have SW PA full of jerk offs like Vick. No respect fo life, himself, or anyone else.

I have 3 kids and hate dogs :dunno:

What does having kids have to do with raising dogs? It is nowhere even close.

Delightful. :hs:
