Vick take Plea Deal

its all how you raise a dog. i have been bitten by my aunts shitzu many times, but my rott has never even grolwled at me. my buddy has a pit, and the same thing. he likes to play, but never bites. it is all in how you raise them.

and i alreadysaid enough about vick and his brother in the post i made a few months ago. he will get his punishment when he has to play in the cfl with ricky williams. there is no way he will play in the nfl again. espn said it was a indefinete ban, and that was before he pled guilty. if pacman jones got a 14 game suspension for punching a stripper, i can imagine what vick will get.

Honestly i think Poodles are a more aggressive dogs


Vick just entered his plea and is holding a press conference…using the old praying to God and asking for forgiveness routine

Vick will need to excavate Johnnie Cochran to get his ass out of this jam.

Update: He admitted funding and with “collective efforts” killing at least 6 dogs. I am real sure he is truely sorry for what he has done.

sorry he got caught

Exerpt from the above link:

He said, “Through this situation I’ve found Jesus.”

Of course it has to take something like that for him to find Jesus. What a piece of garbage he is.

i hope he doesnt use the Chewbacca defense.

OK, I (we) are sorry for offending anyone with our rambling. This will be my last post on this subject. We have a pit bull that we love very much, and get love in return.
Background: We rescued a 10 month old pit bull from the North Side shelter 3 years ago. We had no idea of her background except that her owners could not care for her. She did not look to be abused or fought, but was very skinny. To be honest, I was apprehensive, and we took a big chance.
We have a fenced in yard, and to see that dog run free for the very first time made it all worth it. She would chew furniture and strew garbage around the house when we were gone, just like any puppy would do that had the run of the house. To be honest, she was wild! Well, we stuck with her, socialized her with neighbors and their pets. Now she is, in our minds, the greatest dog in the world. The neighbors can’t wait for us to walk by to pet the “mean” dog. Kids love her. Dogs love her. Cats love her. We have neighbors that can walk right in our house without knocking, or without us letting them in. This is all due to my son “socializing” her. She does not like the mail man, paper boy, garbage man, and my daughter’s boy friend. Wanna know why? The mailman comes on our porch and messes with the house. She can’t see what he’s doing. All she knows is that he messes with OUR house. Same with the paperboy. Everyday he throws something at our house. She doesn’t know what. She sees me put “my” stuff in the garbage cans. The garbage men come and “steal” my stuff. She goes nuts. The boyfriend, simple, he “steals” my daughter. Thats it, she loves any one else.
She sleeps in our beds, UNDER the blankets. When she goes to the Vet, the workers can’t wait to see her. We get handshakes and pats on the back from the Vets for doing such a good job socializing her.
To make a long story short, which by now is impossible, any dog that is properly socialized will be a good dog. If you chain 5 or 10 black labs in a field so that they can almost (but not quite) reach each other which is what idiot’s like Vick do, all of those dogs would attack a human if they got loose.
The reason I have gone nuts on you guys is: Part of the job of being a pit bull owner is educating the public on what a great breed they are, which seems to be impossible with some of you idiots! I (we) are done. No more posts from us on this subject.

whats all this “we”?

the only job you have as a dog owner is to feed it and keep its shit outta my yard. edjucate the public?.. you fuckin crusaders and your causes.

Maybe try using the spell check, you know that little abc(check mark) at the top right of the screen.

But then you know everthing, you already knew what tha was, huh?

dude shut the fuck up, its a message board not a spelling bee. Cunty… wow man … ur original…

word on the street is he is prepping the atlanta house for sale… cleaners/ painters there last weekend. OH and did i mention he had his bently parked in the driveway becuase he had 4 dogs in kennels in the garage of his huge house

Dude, you are one first class asshole

If you would read the posts, my son wrote some, therefore, WE

Heres another riginal for ya Cunty,


no ur a fuckin asshole for tryin to shove ur agenda down everyones throat… its not enough you own the dog you want but you want the whole world to have to love it too… like some faggots. they can;'t be happy just being faggots they have to be “accepted”… fuck that shit… I let people be, like whatever you want…etc… but when people start with this shit it hits a nerve.

okay, this thread is officially beat now. Congrats.