Vid: Howie needs to step it up! 10 second GVR4

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with this ultra cool car. He’s from ohio and builds/tunes it himself.

This is my friend Dan’s GVR4. After a couple years of downtime I was supposed to race him in Ohio for fun this past weekend, but my car isn’t ready yet.

He just got the car together, broke then engine in, did some street tuning, and his first pass was a 10.4. I’m sure he nearly went home crying LOL.

Here’s a video of his second pass. He didn’t get to do more than that because his usb to serial converter crapped out and he couldn’t log/tune the car.

He’s on slicks but they’re old and it looks like he spun a lot on the line.

Plays in Quicktime. Right click >>> Save AS:

nice nice…didnt look that fast but dang.

in a car with that much power wouldent it be faster to launch in second? if first is just going to make you loose traction anyway why even use it especially since you have to shit almost instantly. just a thought. hauls ass for sure.

I think his slicks are just old and beat. With new ones he should hook up better.

i think it was fast

cant watch it here. but excited to when i get home

He took it out for the second time and ran 10.3 at 148 mph on a bogged launch. Then he blew a coolant hose off so there were no other passes. Should be in the 9’s soon.

This is on E85, but he’s switching to C16.

Nice Galant!

Does your buddy have a web page I could check out?