Vinyl wrap

btw just a tip. if you need stuff done with shinzo make sure its not within a week of a car show. he gets swamped with stuff and unless you’re really tight with him you cars not gonna be able to get a spot til the car show stuff is done. the latest i’ve been at shinzo was 10:30pm to pick up my car for importfest and he was still working on 2 cars.

I just roughly punched in this number on google maps but there is a fabric warehouse at that location and you can get vinyl’s there. DIRT cheap. I bought a good 4 foot by 10 for 17 dollars.,-97.15369&sspn=27.767087,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=43.77946,-79.469326&spn=0.007576,0.019312&z=16&iwloc=A

What kind of vinyl? At that price I doubt it’s quality stuff. You get what you pay for with vinyl.

Ive purchased a few yards of Avery A9 like you suggested.

tips on application process?

fabrick land yorkdale. forgot the cost of the roll.i use to do my headliner and door panels on my intergra during the ricer days lol