Vinyl wrap

I don’t advertise vinyl wrap seeing as how it’s not exactly something I offer however, it is something I can do, so I will entertain the offers.

You should prolly consider doing it, as far as I know, everyone with a G that isn’t black, wants a black roof, plus a bunch of other car guys are digging the black roof thing. The guy that told me about Shinzo has a Fit. Most places charge like $300, but Shinzo does it for $150, with the obvious down side of only being open 10-6 Mon-Fri and being located in what is literally the ass end of nowhere. I’m pretty sure you could easily ask for $300 if you were willing to do it as a mobile thing. There’s a lot of lazy people out there (me), that would be very willing to pay the price premium for someone to come to their house and do stuff on their car, rather than having to mission to god knows where.

Something I may consider I guess. I’d still like to do some more testing before I go ahead and make it part of my business. I still need to perfect it, but all in all I can do it.

Oh, good thing I didn’t ask then, I definitely don’t want people practicing on the G :stuck_out_tongue:

Shinzos place is pretty damn cool, even though it’s pretty far away.

His office downstairs, and his home upstairs.

That’s the best setup ever!

Well, I heard he does good work, and the price is right, so I’m willing to mission it. But yea… 50km each way is soooooo FTL :frowning:

Ant, if you can wait a couple weeks I’m doing some testing on some shit and I should have perfected it by than. I’ll show you samples obviously first, before I touch the G.

lol its traitor. dam fobs

Naw, I would, but I already made an appointment with the guy for today, so I don’t wanna jew him. Plus I get excited about mods easily, so it’s really hard for me to wait for something I could have today :smiley:

If you want it wrapped and installed for a decent price Speak to Lou From Rockstar in Cambridge.

Boo, you suck! Once I’ve perfected it I’ll most likely be offering the actual service.

Season, do you see what time it is? It’s hard enough for me to think straight during the day let alone when I wake up and wait for the washroom to be free.

yes i do a lot “TRADES”. but i think you meant TRAITOR. :slight_smile: if you can beat shinzo’s price, schedule, and quality. sure ill go to you.

thats one of the best reason’s to go to shinzo. lol. ive had times when i had no time to drop the car off til late at night. i’ve gone there at 8:00pm once and picked the car up at around 10:30pm when it was done. while most shops wouldnt really even entertain you past 6:00pm.

when you see mike or pierre tell them alex said hi. you wont regret going there. plus once you know them well enough, their bussiness hours start to become more flexible. :wink:

I already told you I would Alex.

Haha, sounds good. Well, they’re already being accommodating, in that they’re going to stay late to finish my car tonight, I just really wish I could’ve taken it in on a weekend instead of having to get out of bed at 5:45AM, show up at my job at 7am, so I can make enough hours to leave at 3:30pm.
But yea, 3M Trimline by my work asked for $475 for my roof. I LOL’d hard and said no thanks.

im doing both my cars with a black rooof.
itlll look sick on a G tho cant lieee

Haha, well at the point that you were asking about it, I already had an appointment set up to get it done, so I think I did it first :stuck_out_tongue:
But yea, I’ve seen it a lot on the forums, there’s a bunch of guys in the states that have it done, I’ve yet to run into anyone here with it though. There’s one guy that did his sedan and posted pics, but my first time seeing it in person will be on my own car.

better be throwing up pics when its done solarian.

Man, I’m like the biggest pic whore ever, you have to ask me NOT to put up pics :smiley: