[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:2,topic:27867"”]
and now people will look at the chinese suspiciously.
You probably should’ve said: “asian”
[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:2,topic:27867"”]
and now people will look at the chinese suspiciously.
You probably should’ve said: “asian”
30 secs of CNN says, “Pictures from 2005 (another with a gun to his head), stalking, disturbing poems, mail sent after he killed first”
Yeah, I dont think he had this huge plan set up which you think, but still, were all waiting
so your saying he did it cuz he knew he was nuts wnated help and to make people in the future force people like him into gettin help?
no. At least you are thinking about it insead of waiting for a explanation. Props for not being lazy.
You probably should’ve said: “asian”
Some people will because thats human nature. People profile and stereotype.
Ignore the fact that he might have had mental issues (which I seriously doubt)
:bloated: Because stable people shoot up schools and then blow their own heads off? I can’t wait to be enlightened by the rest of your self-proclaimed higher level of understanding than the rest of us.
[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:16,topic:27867"”]
The amount of books I carry would have knocked him down if I flung it at him. But that is really easy to say behind a keyboard.
from 30 ft away… good luck getting to him without catching a bullet :(… thats all im saying… especially being 2 pistols which are easily manageable
Ok what I got from the article is that he was trying to send a message that if you mess with a person for too long things are bound to end up like this. But to say that he didn’t have mental problems is just silly. No normal person does something like this. Kids are made fun of all the time in school and these things don’t happen with them.
from 30 ft away… good luck getting to him without catching a bullet :(… thats all im saying… especially being 2 pistols which are easily manageable
How about 400 backpacks and books flying at him…?
the entrance to a 400 person lecture hall,
OMG my life sucks but its not my fault its everyone else’s. He just has the typical mentality like many other people do where everything that goes wrong is someone else’s fault other then his own.
He stalked two girls last year, got sent to a nut house for a short time because he was suicidal, all his fucked up writings. The guy was unstable. He was a weird person and no one probably wanted to have anything to do with him. He then turns it around into the problem is everyone else not him. Then he did what he did to get revenge.
:bloated: Because stable people shoot up schools and then blow their own heads off? I can’t wait to be enlightened by the rest of your self-proclaimed higher level of understanding than the rest of us.
I hear what youre saying, but I think what jack is getting at is how did he get to this point? How does someone come to bring themselves to do something like this? Why? What was his real justification for it in his own mind?
Its not rocket science.
In a nut shell, he is saying he did this to capture our society’s attention. He is saying that the corruption of our society’s moral standards is what led him to do what he did.
In his mind, he is standing up and making a huge statement for every kid that has ever been abused and neglected by a society that is entirely too caught up in what you wear, what you drive, and the image that you project and so forth.
He reasoned that there are many, many more like him out there who feel forgotten and looked down upon, and he making a stand for them, and to get people’s attention. In that respect you cant deny he didnt accomplish what he set out to do.
With that said, its still all fucking crazy. And its sad that his mind was so fucked to the point that he felt he had to do what he did to prove his points.
[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:28,topic:27867"”]
How about 400 backpacks and books flying at him…?
lol, im just saying… open fire, everybody isnt gonna stand up and throw their bags… besides u have seen knox 20, i doubt i could accurately throw a baseball from the back doors to the front door, let alone a book bag… im afraid id fall into the duck and cover and run or freeze up category…
:bloated: Because stable people shoot up schools and then blow their own heads off? I can’t wait to be enlightened by the rest of your self-proclaimed higher level of understanding than the rest of us.
How about you actually contribute some constructive thoughts on the subject instead of starting another dumb fuck hate bandwagon?
I highly doubt he was picked on. Usually there aren’t many bullies in college, and kids usually take people for what they are. If they kept quiet and to themselves people usually don’t pay much attention to them. Its not like people were knocking his books out of his hands. Even kids who went to high school with him, said they always figured he’d be the one to shoot up their high school.
You need to take a step back and look at the hard evidence. First off, he didn’t go crazy because of his girlfriend. Friends of Emily (his supposed girlfriend) said that she didn’t even know who Cho was. He has a history of stalking, and writing disturbing subject matter. Teachers recommended he go to counseling. He has been obsessed with guns and violence all his life.
He was declared mentally unstable and a danger to himself and others in 2005… Read the court order here:
If you ask me, he was just another run of the mill mentally unstable kid, who needed help that he didn’t get. His parents worked at a dry cleaners, so they either never had time for him or he grew up in an unsufficient environment. His sister went to Princeton, so he probably always felt “second best”. He was Korean, so I’m sure he wasn’t nailing all the broads on campus. He speaks of himself in a monotone voice, trying to cover up fear with hatred. I’m willing to bet, while he was making these videos he was scared shitless.
Not to mention, he shows no emotion. So he’s either hiding it, or he was really that fucked up that he felt no remorse for anything he had done prior.
Cliffs: He was fucking nuts and this video just goes to prove that. If he wasn’t a fucking coward and honestly trying to prove a point, he wouldn’t have offed himself. He would have let himself live, to allow people to understand a greater reason to as why he did it.
well said
If he wasn’t a fucking coward and honestly trying to prove a point, he wouldn’t have offed himself. He would have let himself live, to allow people to understand a greater reason to as why he did it.
Many people that go as far as murdering several others or cops will off themselves because there is no real point in continuing. What does the future hold? Lifetime in prison, death sentance, weeks of interrogation, psych exams, public scrutiny, dumb questions, ect. Once you cross that line, your old life (and whatever you were fighting for) ceases to exist for you.
You can say coward but it would be plain stupid to continue.
It just reminds me of the flight 93 scenario. If enough people had the balls to charge the fucker they may have sacrificed themselves, but saved so many more people.
It just reminds me of the flight 93 scenario. If enough people had the balls to charge the fucker they may have sacrificed themselves, but saved so many more people.
Except everyone on flight 93 was already in it together. In this situation it was every man for themselves. You had nothing to lose attacking the terrorists on 93, except for risking some relatively minor physical harm. In the lecture hall though, if you got up and singled yourself out, you were going to FUCKING DIE where if you laid down and played dead, you’d have a chance to live.
Nothing alike at all, other than people being in stressful situations as a group.
How about you actually contribute some constructive thoughts on the subject instead of starting another dumb fuck hate bandwagon?
Why bother? Whenever there’s a tragedy like this everyone turns into an armchair psychologist. Everyone on this planet is speculating about this right now. Sure he was probably highly intelligent. Most mass-murderers are. Yeah in his mind he was doing a good thing. That’s human nature. Nobody thinks they’re fundamentally “bad.”
The problem is that, be it a result of nature or nuture or both, his thought process was twisted. His neurotransmitters were probably all fucked up, firing to the wrong neurons and shit. But again, that’s speculation. We’ll never know for sure because he splattered his neurotransmitters all over the wall.
But yeah, not to start another dumb fuck hate bandwagon, but I just don’t see the point in making an arrogant thread entitled “Virginia Tech 101” when all you’re doing is speculating like the rest of the world.
Im sure everyone here would be running over each other to get to the gunmen to stop a situation like this :bloated:
[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:28,topic:27867"”]
How about 400 backpacks and books flying at him…?
It was an engineering class…don’t forget TI-83’s.
It’s pretty easy to say things would be different if others reacted different…but there was no time to react.
Did Violater just really try to say that this guy wasn’t afflicted with a mental illness that caused him to do what he did?
Even if he was not accepted by the majority of society, a person right in the head doesn’t go executing 30+ people just because they have a better life than them.