VOIP for the office is NOT cool

Phone @ home connected to office phone system for after hours work is NOT cool…

I dont even know what the fuck you do? :shrug:

and yes, that would suck.


Heh… the last place I worked was just getting VoIP phones when I left. Suxors!

Meaning you’re taking work calls while at home? Eff that. VoIP has voicemail for a reason. :slight_smile:

intercom FTMFL

ughhhh and ive been getting annoyed with my job lately. even though i schedule my own hours, have no boss and take like 2 or 3 naps a day while im there.

that blows man.

We have 4 VOIP lines at work, connected to our adelphia powerlink. If we’re doing any kind of downloading, or our web develper is doing any uploading… it goes to shit! I hate vonage, its garbage

you work at Ford?

lol I love the fact our VoIP system emails you your voicemail it comes as a wav attachment…and a hyperlink.

We have a seperate dataline for voice…

QOS ftw

We have a managed switch that gives the VoIP full QOS. It has top priority… we still have issues.

Someone’s not managing it right then.