Volvo S60-R with Evolve Package

This car is really growing on me

yea thats awesome




i heart volvos… let me find that one video :slight_smile:

fwd or rwd?

im assuming rwd but i thought id ask anyway :slight_smile:

i’d guess it’s awd or fwd

that car is a sweet car. I really dont like volvos that much, but thats one i could have in my garage

damn i can’t get this shit hosted… and i forget my password to FTP it :frowning:

i have a video of a swedish dude in an older 850 doing 3rd gear burnouts while going around 50 mph hahahah…

AWD :slight_smile:

it looks really similar to the original concept/prototype…they tamed the look down a bit for production, but i’m sure thats where the idea came for the Evolve package

I believe all the R series Volvo’s are AWD

nice !!! kinda like the lincon sports car … i forget the name of it


it’s like $38,000, then another $4000 for the package