vote where jersey shore 2 takes place

some of the locations make me think the pole is fake and results wont matter, but everyone is voting detroit on other forums, so shift vote for detroit too!

detroit it is


How about it takes place at the Jersey Shore?

What did Hitler vote for?

I vote for the recieving end of a shooting range. Fuck those ass holes, fuck their lifesytle, fuck their pumping fists, their muscle milk, ugly stuck up bitches, momas money car buyin, IQ of -120, drinkin up all mah Jager dumb mother fuckers.

I vote for it to take place in Albany Shore.

I was gonna say deserted island where no one will ever find them

+1 or somewhere you can easily send a cruise missile without many innocent bystanders.


:lol Wait you’ll have to move out first though haha



lol’ed at both Palestine and Chernobyl.

Nooo thats a great idea! I live in Ft Johnson, just outside amsterico, id be fine. If they did that we could do two forms of ethnic cleansing. :rofl