Wagers Pond Sat 12/26

Im not usually up that way. I go to exit 13 and 14 and never get off 10 unless Im getting gas.

I didnt know there was a pond up there.

round lake , its in between ex 10 -11 on rt 9

oh, ok. You confused me with the pond talk.

john call me in the morning… and i want my damn fast and furious movie back!!! lol

p/m me your home number i forgot it

windy conditions = shitty ass riding.

Yeah, thats what sucks about this wind. I really want to go riding ASAP.

ill call you in the morning.

-Your lover, Fluffy.

Shooting for next weekend at Wagers/Round Lake

Yeah, definately. Too fucking windy today for sure.
Saturday would probably work best for me.

If I get the quad fixed Im def in, hopefully the parts come!

what did you fuck up?

Rolled it last night coming into a corner too hot. Caught some ice it looped around and caught dirt and flung me off it :lol. I gotta order new bars, and one of the plastic suports is prolly dicked up too.

Try www.ronniesmailorder.com for parts. I got some parts from them last month.

Im gonna get an aftermarket set of bars seeing how they are pretty cheap, then just gotta pick up a clamp for it. Got some new grips for it too while I was at it

Ask Mark where he got his bars and grips. He bought an aftermarket set a while ago because he bent his bars last fall.

I got some sick ODI “no slip” grips ordered, and gonna call Trailtech tomorrow to get a set of their mid-bars and a clamp setup

get TAG Fatbars…you will never bend bars ever again.

They are about $120 more than the bars I was lookin at though :lol

They look like a nice setup!

Im sure hoping its decent next weekend. I havent ridden the damn thing in over a month now besides in my back yard.