Wal-Mart disease time-lapse



That makes me sick.

Has anyone noticed the recent explosion of Walgreens, Riteaids, and Cvs stores going up everywhere?? There practically putting them next door to each other.

They’re popping up all over the place along McKnight.

None in kilbuck twp :owned:

Of course, the politicans make big bucks off prescription medicine, More stores, More Profit for the drug manufactures who then give it too politicians.

every other commericial is for prescriptions. coincendence nope. Much like the tabacco ads before the 1990’s

For some reason, we need a Super Wal-Mart every 5 miles. ‘Kilbuck came crashing down…Let’s go to Moon! Robinson’s way too far for people to drive…’

Proud to say I’ve been in a Wal-Mart a grand total of 4 times in 41 years…

That’s to accommodate the pill-popping fatties, seniors, and the over-medicated youth.

good point

how about this?

Wal-Mart sues disabled, brain-damaged employee.

Wal-Mart related info starts at 1:30.

thier afraid of the bulding sliding onto rt28

Route 65 :clit:

i like walmart… but thats shitty about the suing the person.

Why is successfulness considered a disease?

It depends if you consider wal-mart a success.

Why do you like wal-mart?

Well I guess if you are against the american dream and dislike capitalism you wouldn’t be a fan. However in my opinion growing a company from one store in 1962 to become the largest retailer in the country in only 40 or so years is pretty damn impressive. :dunno:

:rofl: keep believing that theory.
Hard working people is their slave and have almost nothing to provide for their family.

Look at all the law suits and over time not being paid.

I don’t bitch about Exxon. their employees make a good wage.

Nobody is forced to work there. Walmart jobs are not supposed to support families, they are for retirees and teenagers.

So lets say you turn your single truck into the largest trucking company in the country in only 40 years. Would you not consider that to be a success story?

yeah for me, but on the downside. I undercut everyone else’s shipping prices. Which is already really damn cheap. Makes for alot of un-employed people with small amount of trucks or low paying jobs. Trucking sucks. the turnover rate is well over 120% because of JB hunt the wal-mart of trucking.
Big trucking companys suck, i worked for the 4th biggest US Xpress 12,000 units . just another number. fancy equipment only goes so far.

Quality > Quanity

wow, fucked up