Wallet Phone!

So in my perpetual quest to have things nobody else has, I got another euro phone. I saw it on ebay and bought it on a whim, so now I have like 5 phones to choose from, 4 of which are from other countries lol…


It fits in my wallet, which is pretty rad. It also fits in a half full pack of smokes… which is cool because its bizzare to see a pack of smokes go vibrating across the table…


pretty cool

nice… has the razr beat by like 4 how much did that run ya?

like $140

I guess it kinda blows in terms of features, but I really dont care. It just has to make calls and look pretty…

and razrs are sooo played out

Eh, I’ll take my 2mm thicker razr anyday, especially since I got it so cheap with my contract.

what service did you go thru?

nice…i like it…

Am I wrong in thinking that I have to have a verizon issued phone to use verizon service?

that’s pretty sweet. but too fragile and too shitty service for me :frowning:

Mostly right. There are some phones that can be hacked to work, but it’s relatively involved to do so.

correct. technically, sometimes you can get other phones to work, but its generally not worth the hassle.

verizon needs a phone the size of a razr, that is not the razr. it fucking sucks. I dont care about functions, i care about size and usability. the razr is slow as shit

congrats on stepping it up

It may fit in your wallet, but can you sit on it?

looks kinda cool.

why would you want to put your phone in your wallet? So you have to reach into your pocket, get your wallet and then get your phone? Sounds like an extra step

also a valid point

it was a reference to how small it is. It would be pretty dumb to actually carry it in a wallet for many reasons…

theres a newer phone out, the krazr.

its supposed to be a good phone, but im waiting till some ppl buy it to see how well it performs

you can unlock amp, alltel and someone else to be used on verizons networks

alltel razr for the win
and a black e815 ftw

its not really unlocking a altell razr, more of putting the alltel software on the vzw razr.

told you i didnt like the razr. get the new software upgrade.

the krzr is out/coming. the LG vx8600 is another option as well. that should be out soon.

i havnt played with a krzr yet, but i have a feeling it will operate a lot like the current razr.