Walmart made a big oops....

Notice the similar items. They’re gonna get railed for this.



I highly doubt Wal-Mart hates black people.

They do employ about 1/4 of the worlds Black population, and provide goods & services for over 3/4’s of the black population

and I highly doubt any black people will even see this. We all know they don’t have computers.


PS. I’m joking people. We all know those are the white trash statistics.

I don’t know what’s more disturbing the similar items in that or this:




that’s pretty bad


WTF! yeah, those SURE are similar items!

That is bizarre. Apparently according to Walmart
“Assassination Of MLK” is similar to “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”

not to hijack the thread, but this made me think of another Wal-Mart related funny:

“An investigation found that a former employee apparently tampered with a shipment of iPods and put the meat into several packages”

they are both dvds

Good times :tup:

ahahaha thats pretty funny


EDIT: more weird links

Hah. I saw a dead body in the Hudson River. My whole cub scout troop was on the deck of the Intrepid on a trip and my dad and I were thinking it was a sea turtle until it got close. Then we could tell it was a dead guy floating hunched over face down. Cops came and fished him out. Best outing ever!

Explains so much.

Thats humorous.

that’s not right :lol:

I fail to see the problem :gotme:



I don’t get it.