wana help mess with a scammer?????

I dont care who you are, nor do i want to met you… I know that 99% of your posts are annoying, When you got your blizzak snow tires every other post was something along the lines of “blah blah blah my blizzaks blah blah” trust me, nobody cares about your snow tires. What “e-insult” did i say to you? That youre immature? are you going to argue that? I havent said anything in a single post in this entire forum that i wouldnt say to anybodys face here… If it will make you feel better about yourself we can meetup somewhere and i can tell you that i think youre animmature ass and that you annoy me to your face… And yes, that was me that gave yout the negative rep, well because you annoy me… bomb me with all the neg. rep you and your friends can dish out because quite frankly i dont care, im not here to win an internet popularity contest.