wana help mess with a scammer?????

It takes up to 30 days for a “dispute” to turn into a claim. But hey i’m an immature ass/scumbag so it’s all good. lol

I love when people have NO idea who I am (as in, have never met me or anyone else they do this to in person) and yet they fire up their e-insult machines. Pure genious.

Yet we’re the immature ones.

FWIW, wrapping the lip in saran wrap does NOTHING to fuck the guy over. It might take him a little longer to open up his package… boo hoo for him.

Money wasn’t actually returned yet AFAIK. The guy just “agreed” to refund the money. How long it will take him to do this, well, nobody knows but the screwball himself.

Try telling that to the ton of people that are doing time for fraud. Hmm thats like saying someone that has stolen money from someone, got caught and is not forced to pay the money back. This means that the person never stole the money from them becuase they payed it back? lol try telling the police that.

I dont care who you are, nor do i want to met you… I know that 99% of your posts are annoying, When you got your blizzak snow tires every other post was something along the lines of “blah blah blah my blizzaks blah blah” trust me, nobody cares about your snow tires. What “e-insult” did i say to you? That youre immature? are you going to argue that? I havent said anything in a single post in this entire forum that i wouldnt say to anybodys face here… If it will make you feel better about yourself we can meetup somewhere and i can tell you that i think youre animmature ass and that you annoy me to your face… And yes, that was me that gave yout the negative rep, well because you annoy me… bomb me with all the neg. rep you and your friends can dish out because quite frankly i dont care, im not here to win an internet popularity contest.

I dont care who you are, nor do i want to met you


know that 99% of your posts are annoying, When you got your blizzak snow tires every other post was something along the lines of “blah blah blah my blizzaks blah blah” trust me, nobody cares about your snow tires.

LOL… what does that have to do anything? This is a local automotive-oriented forum, excuse me for talking about something I had installed on my car (and happen to like, since we do get… SNOW! around here).

What “e-insult” did i say to you? That youre immature? are you going to argue that?

“immature asses and OTHER SCUMBAGS”
Please. I can assure you that I am neither immature, nor a scumbag. There are plenty of active members on here that can attest to that.

I havent said anything in a single post in this entire forum that i wouldnt say to anybodys face here… If it will make you feel better about yourself we can meetup somewhere and i can tell you that i think youre animmature ass and that you annoy me to your face…

Easy there, tough guy. Remember how you said that nobody cares about my snow tires (some people actually do, believe it or not)? Well, nobody cares that you will be a big boy and say things to peoples faces. :rofl

And yes, that was me that gave yout the negative rep, well because you annoy me… bomb me with all the neg. rep you and your friends can dish out because quite frankly i dont care, im not here to win an internet popularity contest

If I annoy you so much then stop reading my posts, and stop replying to my posts. It’s the internet, it’s rather simple. I have been doing it on this forum ever since I have become a member. It’s not difficult. Anytime you see a post by my username, just skip right over it. It doesn’t require massive amounts of brain power to do such a thing.

Oh god look at what has become of this thread. It has gone from front lip massacare to Jersey Fresh getting his panties in a bunch over said lip to pure workplace entertainment. :slight_smile:

now my pantys are in a bunch because i think the OP should do the right thing and return it the way he got it??? And i wasnt trying to be tough, you seemed assbent that id say something about you when ive never met you… I simply said, if you prefer, we can meet up and i will say it to your face… Thats not being a tough guy at all… im not threatening you… You simply made it a big deal that ive never met you… i suggested we meet


hey jersey homo why the fuck are you sticking up for this d-bag? im pretty sure if you bought something for w.e car you drive and it was a peice of shit you would be pissed to. I was happy to finally get a front lip because they arn’t all that common anymore for my car… as i am opening it i can start to see it belongs in a dumpster not on my car. This asian scumbag knew fully what he was doing when he jumped rite on my offer of $150. He had it listed for $60! yes $60 fuckin dollers and NO ONE bought it. “hmmm no one is gona buy it if tell them the REAL condition so why not put it on a different site and LIE… brillant idea!! thats the right thing to do!!!” Yea so i got stuck buying it which would have been a good deal if it was as described. Okay i get your point about sending it back as is because i lost nothing out of this rite?. other then having deal with being out $150 for 2 weeks wondering if im gona get it back, having to deal with shipping it out again, wrapping it using my shit, going to the post office, shipping it - that along just pisses me off fuck the post office. He only gave me $11 to ship it because thats what it cost him. chances are its gona cost $18 because thats the way it works. But me delucia and chris are all the scumbags rite? how about this got comb your blow out

p.s. im not even shipping it back to the guy. Another guy on the site offered to buy it from me for $40 if i didnt get my money back. Well i did and the orginal seller decided to take the $40 offer! so he knew perfectly well what its true worth was when he sold it. i’m shipping it directly to the new owner and the orig owner has his $40. so jersey homo you can go change your panties after getting all strssed out

oh noes you found me out, im a homo!! whatever am i gonna do, a internet scumbag offended me

hehe i coaxed him out of the closet

I think his username is misleading… Jersey is NOT fresh, it actually smells pretty bad.

That just may have been the corniest thing ive ever seen someone say… Nomatter what you say about jersey, the car scene is 1000X better than it will ever be in upstate NY… not that it should matter to you… you drive a cobalt haha

noo he smells superrrrrrr

what do you drive bet it isnt stage 3 like the cobalt

as far as i knew jersey was Ny’s dumpster?

To be honest it doesn’t matter to me. I am more focused on my education than a “car scene.” My Cobalt gets me to school, work and anywhere else I need to go reliably. It gets very good gas mileage, is fun to drive, and is good in the snow with the Blizzaks… Gotta love them Blizzaks. I sure do.

There is more important things to me in life right now than a damn car. For what it’s worth, I owned mine at age 17 when I was still in high school, and consider myself lucky as some people don’t even have a car right now in their 20’s let alone a brand new $24,000 car that was bought off the showroom floor.

Again, what does my car have anything to do with this argument?

i just lol’ed… the Blizzaks!!

what did you pay $300 for 4 brand new tires? id be happy about them to

okay this is a waste of my time now goin to tow rauccis car to his grand parents garage so we can pull the motor. Jersey homo, idc if you are or not literally a homo, your still kinda gay.

Quiet, it’s bone stock. :ninja

I love those Blizzaks.

Even the word is sick.

Blizzak. It’s like Blizzard and attack. Blizzak! Siiick!

Hey now, leave corny out of this!

Yeah, I got some QC lab work to do here that i’ve been putting off for the past 3 hours now.


What car do you wanna know about? I have a
95 S14 240SX
94 S14 Silvia
95 S14 KA-T 240sx
89 S10 with a LT1 in it
Datsun 510 and
Datsun 240Z

So what car did you want to know about? Im sure that stage 3 cobalt has it all over me

he owned you