wana help mess with a scammer?????

So you think just because you got a lip that wasn’t as described it gives you the right to rip someone off who is actually working with you and giving you a full refund?

Awesome. I’m disappointed in myself for even thinking about helping you get him back.

hes everything you want ! hes everything everything you need !


rofl !

+1… Point being, i dont give a fuck how bad the scratches, gashes and or holes are… Paypal wouldnt automatically just take the money back and give it to you, theyd seize the funds untill you both came to an agreement OR theyd seize the funds and youd have to show proof that he didnt give you what you paid for… The fact remains, he worked with you, Youre getting your money back, be a real man and just give him his lip back… Why play fucking games

Get the money back and then do whatever you want to him. I disagree with both of you. Just becuase paypal is going to FORCE him to give the money back, well not actually force him but the kid knows he will have to anyway. This is the only reason why he is saying he willl give it back. It still doesnt mean he didnt just rip him off and didnt know exactly what he was doing. The kids a scumbag and deserves whatever eveyone does to him.

Paypal wouldnt make him give the money back… The only time they will force you to return money is if the buyer never recieved his item and the seller dosent have proof of shipment

Thats wrong, nick (AMD IS THE BEST) recieved downpipes for his s4 and they were not as shown when the guy sold them. He opened a claim in paypal, was given his money back, the guy that sold it had to money taken from him and nick got to keep the downpipes. So your saying i could put up for sale, BRAND NEW VALENTINE for 200$, get the paypal and send a box with sand in it, when the buyer gets the box and opens a claim with paypal, all i have to do is show proof that i shipped something and they cant take my money back?

I call BS on that… I bought something from Ebay and it wasnt as described so i put a paypal claim in… I even spoke to paypal on the phone, they froze the funds in his account, but inorder for me to get my money back, i had to send the item back FIRST, then i would get my money back… Thats straight from paypal… I did just that and i got my money back… However, just because you put a claim in, it dosent gaurantee that youll get your money back… And the Fact still remains, he got his money back for the lip, so he should give the lip back exactly how he got it… Hes not out any money… if he got scammed hed still be trying to get his money back, theres no reason to be a dick and fuck the guy over, just give the shit back… i mean the guy even gave the money to cover return shipping

Call BS all you want, i gave you his name on shift and if you really care to hear the story from himself shoot him a pm and i bet he’d be glad to tell you.

Ok so by what youre saying, i can buy shit all day long, tell paypal it wasnt as described, get my money back and get to keep the items… Thats awesome, i just found a way to build my car for free… :rofl

they guy is giving the money back, period… who cares if it was because of the paypal thing threatning thoughts…

hes an idiot for trying to think he was going to get away with selling you some BULLSHIT and calling it “decent” or w/e …

but now that hes giving the money back, dont play games, like the other dude above said " stop playin fuckin games" its not gonna do nothing for u anyways

thats true, the money just doesnt go back to you, it gets frozen in the sellers account, even if its not there, they will make his account balance go overdrawn to the negatives, and when the case is investigated, then you will have a certin time to ship the item back, and then recieve your money afterwards !

and you are responsible to pay for the shipping back tot he seller…

There’s a difference between a few “scratches” and what the scumbag actually sent Brian. Money back or not, he deserves to be fucked with and WILL be fucked with in some shape or form. He ignored all of Brian’s PM’s and paypal e-mails until Brian mentioned that he is filing a paypal claim to get his money back. What does that tell you about this seller?


No, that’s being an immoral scumbag.

That he was busy and couldnt get near a computer… You dont know for a fact that he was ignoring him… He gave his money back, get over it, grow up

Chances of that actually being the case are very slim. He already ripped Brian off by sending him the fucked up bumper (remember, only has a few “scratches”). He probably thought he could get away with it by ignoring him.

HE DIDNT RIP HIM OFF!!! If he got ripped off he wouldnt have gotten his money back and hed be stuck with a shit lip!!! what dont you understand? he voluntarily returned the money! In doing so hes trusting him to return the lip as it was sent to him… If he would have went through paypal to get his money back, he would have to return the lip with money out of HIS pocket… then and only then would paypal return the money to his account… Like i said, grow up… he wasnt ripped off if the money is back in his possesion… christ people are dumb

So selling somebody something that isn’t NEARLY in the condition as described isn’t ripping people off? Brian shouldn’t have had to go through all of this shit to get his money back. Hell he shouldn’t have had to go through anything, he should have a front lip for his car with a few scratches in the paint. First, the guy initially only offered to partially refund his money, and second, the guy only agreed to give Brian his money back after he opened up a Paypal dispute. What does that tell you?

Also, the guy happened to have the lip up for sale on another forum (non-prelude) for $60 and even listed the problems with the lip. He then listed it on prelude power for nearly TRIPLE the price and failed to mention the significant damages in the lip. The guy knew full well what he was doing.

Partially refund as in “hey, youre not happy with it, you think you paid too much so keep the lip and ill give you X amount back” That tells me the guy was trying to make good on the deal from the start… and i dont get what youre not understanding… if he was trying to rip him off he wouldnt have sent the money back without paypal getting involved first…

Paypal WAS involved, that’s the thing. Brian told him a dispute was filed, and almost immediately after telling the guy that he offered to refund the money because he knew he was going to lose it anyway. :rolleyes:

by him “losing” a dispute would only insure him that he got the lip back the way he sent it out before paypal took the money out of the account? And correct me if im wrong but there was a “threat” to file a dispute, but it hadent been done yet. If there was a claim filed to paypal, the funds would have been frozen… But hey, the OP and yourself are going to do what you want, i just feel that its immature asses like yourself and other scumbags that make me not want to nuy OR sell on the internet… The money was returned, didnt lose anything, return the lip the way you recieved it… What is there to gain by fucking the guy over when the OP lost absolutly nothing