wana help mess with a scammer?????

hey jersey homo why the fuck are you sticking up for this d-bag? im pretty sure if you bought something for w.e car you drive and it was a peice of shit you would be pissed to. I was happy to finally get a front lip because they arn’t all that common anymore for my car… as i am opening it i can start to see it belongs in a dumpster not on my car. This asian scumbag knew fully what he was doing when he jumped rite on my offer of $150. He had it listed for $60! yes $60 fuckin dollers and NO ONE bought it. “hmmm no one is gona buy it if tell them the REAL condition so why not put it on a different site and LIE… brillant idea!! thats the right thing to do!!!” Yea so i got stuck buying it which would have been a good deal if it was as described. Okay i get your point about sending it back as is because i lost nothing out of this rite?. other then having deal with being out $150 for 2 weeks wondering if im gona get it back, having to deal with shipping it out again, wrapping it using my shit, going to the post office, shipping it - that along just pisses me off fuck the post office. He only gave me $11 to ship it because thats what it cost him. chances are its gona cost $18 because thats the way it works. But me delucia and chris are all the scumbags rite? how about this got comb your blow out

p.s. im not even shipping it back to the guy. Another guy on the site offered to buy it from me for $40 if i didnt get my money back. Well i did and the orginal seller decided to take the $40 offer! so he knew perfectly well what its true worth was when he sold it. i’m shipping it directly to the new owner and the orig owner has his $40. so jersey homo you can go change your panties after getting all strssed out