Wanted: Business partners for fast paced, lucrative business


dude… you know they did this in fast and furious…


too soon junior

girls allowed?

if so, PM sent!!!

LOL! nice thread.

I think I’ll take u up on it, I promise im not a cop…:snky:


lol this is pretty funny

in :lol:


Go lower your car some more, ya d-bag.

maybe i will, just to piss off onyx more

Make sure you undercoat first!

its on my list! lol

Let roll!

I have a mad fast Geo Metro that can fit under pretty much anything that moves :slight_smile:

is this thread the new way to say Fast an Furious is on? Like Wth cute girl to make tuna sandwiches with no crust?


is this thread the new way to say Fast an Furious is on? Like Wth cute girl to make tuna sandwiches with no crust?


I would never make a public announcement that F&F is on :bloated:

Well… I guess if it was to warn people to skip the channel I would.


I would never make a public announcement that F&F is on :bloated:

Well… I guess if it was to warn people to skip the channel I would.


better watch out dude, lol, posting that F+F is on is one of our board member’s favorite things… search PSPHINX… lol

jordanna brewster is hot though, just ask skunk

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:22,topic:27380"”]

girls allowed?

if so, PM sent!!!


there has to be one token girl in the group i would think /shrug


jordanna brewster is hot though, just ask skunk


haha, yeah, that one thread where his mom caught him wacking it to F&F stills.


haha, yeah, that one thread where his mom caught him wacking it to F&F stills.


oh man rofl