War worst Mistake in History?

for starters we’re there to create stability for buying of oil in the region. second it’s Iran and saudi araba are the places where a lot of the trouble is coming from.
The US won’t invade Iran unless it’s absolutely necessary. That’s not a war we want. we’re not geared for that war in Iraq. we’re geared for a patrolling police presence .


I agree with you to a point but increasing troop levels will only bring more violence. More insergents and more of a Civil War than we have now. The ONLY reason U.S. wont pull out right now is because we have a EGO and dont want to look silly infront of the world.


that’s not the only reason. not by a long shot. there would be an entire vacuum of power there. The US is still completely in charge over there. these people don’t know how to think for themselves. It would become a literal terrorist breeding and training ground. Since there are no US soldiers to attack where are they going now? state side? maybe an embassy or 2 first.